Episode 49


Published on: 14th December, 2023

The Fogies watched Million Dollar Baby! This is what Aric thought Boxing Helena was about. Boy, was he wrong. Not exactly a “title” “match.” Except for that one scene. The movie completes a theme with Ruth’s first movies of S1 & S2, The Intouchables and Me Before You.  

Million Dollar Baby - dir. Clint Eastwood - 2004


Okay, welcome back to Old Fogies and Films. You each episode of the members of this panel take turns assigning a film to watch and discuss.


Stepping into the ring is.

[Aric Maiden]:


[Fahad Qureshi]:







In the champ, Ruth! As we noted last time for the first cycle of season 3, we thought it would be interesting if each of us tried to complete a theme with their first movies from season one and season 2.


My movies were the interchange Okay, I might just have to say in touch because. I didn't take French.

[Aric Maiden]:


[Aric Maiden]:



Alright. Give me to start off with my movies. Okay, my movies were the Intouchables and Me Before You.

[Aric Maiden]:



So this round we watched. 1 million dollar baby! You should these films features a character who becomes quadriplegic and struggles with their quality of life.


Okay, so. To kind of give a little bit of a discussion or a little bit of applause about it.


I would so basically the movie is about a girl, he's from a small town, Maggie who's played by Hillary Swank.


And her, to become a professional blocker. She has a few things against her as far as her age, which is in her early thirties.




But also from coming from where she did, she really just wanted, she still didn't lose her dream.


She wants plenty Switz characters to. Be her coach but He reluctantly does not, he, refuses for a while before he does and.


Just helps train her and. And all that. But anyways, love to get into more about it but love to hear from one of you lovely people from the panel.


First off, could it go?

[Fahad Qureshi]:

Hey, thank you, Ruth. So like I said, I didn't really know much about the plot of this movie going into it other than it's about boxing.

[Fahad Qureshi]:

So that's why I never watched it. I didn't really, you know. Speak out to me.

[Fahad Qureshi]:

I still have never seen Rocky or what are the new Rocky movies, the spin-offs?

[Aric Maiden]:


[Fahad Qureshi]:

With Creed. Yeah, I haven't watched any of those. But I mean, I thought the movie was fine.



[Fahad Qureshi]:

Again, I'm like. Oh, this type of movie, you know, once you see one, you kind of see all for the most part of this, you know, where it's this underdog who was like, I got spirit, I got fight, you know, train me, take me on and I'll show you and I'll prove you wrong and you know they do that and you know the guy who was

[Fahad Qureshi]:

like training them is reluctant about it like no I'm not gonna do that and then they see something in them and it's like on when they become close and you know they fight for everything and then they show you the big match and even though you don't like sports you get really into that match and you're like get up get up no you can anyways I've seen it with like everything, you

[Fahad Qureshi]:

know, any sports type movie like this. So that's why to me I was like, the movie was okay, it was fine for all of that.

[Fahad Qureshi]:

I was not expecting. What happened 3 quarters of the way into the movie to happen except for the fact that this because there's somebody in a wheelchair.



[Fahad Qureshi]:

So I knew at some point she's gonna get into a wheelchair. So when that Woman, the stupid fighter did the sucker punch literally like, you know, turned around and was punching her.

[Fahad Qureshi]:

I was like, oh, this is where it happens. And you can see they were moving the stools and you know anyways.



[Fahad Qureshi]:

That's where the movie started, unfortunately, 3 quarters of the way into it, getting a little more interesting for me just because.



[Fahad Qureshi]:

You saw just. Per life and you get put into that situation we've talked about already with me before you about you know what kind of life is that to live and you know the whole Noion of assisted, death like doctor death, Dr.

[Fahad Qureshi]:

K and that whole topic. I think we talked a lot about it during me before you because it was a very similar situation there.

[Fahad Qureshi]:

And you know in this case you feel horrible for her because she can't even breathe on her own you know they needed a machine to help her breathe so all that stuff, again, and it's hard because it's like, well, I've seen movies like that too.

[Fahad Qureshi]:

So. I felt bad with what happened, but I felt like. I don't know, I kinda wanted the movie itself.

[Fahad Qureshi]:

To focus a little bit more on. The time that she was rising to the top and succeeding to really have me more invested in.

[Fahad Qureshi]:

The good before all of a sudden it went to the bad and she's like, I wanna die.

[Fahad Qureshi]:

So I could be more invested in her then as well. But



[Fahad Qureshi]:

What I really What I really found. Hard to watch was her relationship with her family. And I kind of wish we saw a little more of that in the beginning as well before she started becoming successful.

[Fahad Qureshi]:

But just every time her family was involved, I just hated them and I was just sitting there like, I can't stand you, you guys are so like they look down on her.

[Fahad Qureshi]:

Yet she's done way more than they have they are mooching off of the system. They're not doing anything yet.

[Fahad Qureshi]:

What she does is embarrassing to them and their family like, And then they try to take her money and when, Yeah, and when Hillary's character turn Clint Eastwood away.


And they take her money.


She bought her a house.

[Fahad Qureshi]:

It's like, let me talk to my family. I was like, no, don't fall for this.

[Fahad Qureshi]:

Don't sign over all your money to them, but the way she like called them out and turned the tables.

[Fahad Qureshi]:

I was like, thank you, thank you, thank you. It was and I I was like, go you, I'm glad you.

[Aric Maiden]:

That was impressive. Okay. Yeah, most of the movie she was such a sort of like almost like naive Sweet person that it was a little surprising to hear her talk with was so much like strength.

[Fahad Qureshi]:

Had that strength.

[Fahad Qureshi]:


[Fahad Qureshi]:

That's kind of what I was getting at with. I wanted more of her getting like. Go, where does she get that?

[Aric Maiden]:


[Aric Maiden]:

Good morning.

[Fahad Qureshi]:

Like, you know, now that she was at the top, I felt like, oh, that's probably where she's getting her confidence and all of that, but I didn't really see that and all of a sudden in this situation.

[Fahad Qureshi]:

It was it was different. And also she didn't seem like the kind of person that would quit.

[Fahad Qureshi]:

Even at the end. You know, and to the point where she bites, try to bite her tongue off like.




I know, my gosh.

[Fahad Qureshi]:

Oh, I have actually go away like when it's realistic gore in realistic situations. That's where I get uncomfortable.





[Fahad Qureshi]:

Like I told Eric last week I watched Hospital One in hospital too because I was bored like, give me, give me a, give me a, give me terrifier.

[Fahad Qureshi]:

I'll watch those day in day out while eating pasta, you know. I don't care that what I'm eating looks like what he's tearing out of the body.

[Fahad Qureshi]:

But show me realistic stuff like that and I had to turn away.


She was super smart to do that. I never would have thought, well, if I bite my tongue hard enough, then that, I mean, that's the only way that she had.


To control her. Environment, her what she wanted to happen. I never would have thought to bite my tongue so hard it would bleed to death.

[Fahad Qureshi]:

Yeah. But it's just that. And I mean, it puts you into that mind frame of jeez, how bad is it for you to be willing to do that?





[Fahad Qureshi]:

And it's just like in those situations, I just feel very uncomfortable. Cause I think of like, what is it like to be them?

[Fahad Qureshi]:

You know, she can't eat anymore. She can't feel she can't touch like what if you haven't it like she can feel her face.


Yeah. Did it? Sorry.

[Fahad Qureshi]:

What if you have an itch on your nose? Like. Sorry, those types of things just drive me crazy thinking about it.



[Fahad Qureshi]:

What were you gonna say, Shelley?


I was just gonna say I was thinking about that while I was watching it. Got a, thing and I thought why so what controls like why are you able to feel your face why are you still able to talk nothing below your I guess it depends on where the end injury was.


Yeah. Nick.


But I just was wondering what how does that because it seems that Most quadriplegics. I mean, correct me if I'm wrong about that, but they seem to be able to have control over their faces.

[Fahad Qureshi]:

Some level of I mean at least everything I've seen in movies and all you like that's how they're able to like move in wheelchairs, they have like that thing in their mouth that they can kinda like control stuff or they can talk.


Maybe that was why I didn't breathe on her own.


Yeah, he won't.

[Aric Maiden]:

She was controlling her face.

[Fahad Qureshi]:

That's what we're saying is in most things we see them controlling their face it.


Right. Like they get the straw that could that I think he said something about blowing into something and it made the he was looking for that kind of wheelchair so she could go to school.

[Aric Maiden]:



Yeah, yeah.


And most of the things like, have something in their mouth that they bite on that controls like the computer or the eye gaze.



[Fahad Qureshi]:



It's just I just didn't know if anyone knew like how wide that happens like why is that physically possible?

[Fahad Qureshi]:

Yeah, I don't know.

[Aric Maiden]:

It sounds like probably, you know, when you have a spinal cord injury, most of the rest of your body, the nervous system that comes, it comes off of your spinal cord.

[Aric Maiden]:

And so because that injury, but it must be coming like for your face, like your jaw. And your face, it must be like necessarily from the injured part of the spinal cord, maybe from directly from your brain or something.


Like from your, your brain's done maybe.

[Aric Maiden]:

I don't know. But because they can't usually turn their heads or anything. So nothing that involves.



[Aric Maiden]:

But just this stuff.


Hmm, interesting. Sorry.

[Aric Maiden]:

That would be a get.

[Fahad Qureshi]:

Okay, you're fine. So just to wrap up my end of the thing. 2 more quick comments.

[Fahad Qureshi]:

One is the other reason I was like, you know, it was an okay movie for me. It wasn't like, oh, it was an okay movie for me.

[Fahad Qureshi]:

It wasn't like, oh my God, this is the best movie ever was I felt like the story focused on parts that it didn't necessarily need to focus on as much because it took away from the main story like the whole thing about the boxing training area and the other boxers and their relationship with each other like danger.

[Fahad Qureshi]:

Played by J. Barrashell and Barry, play by Chorll Barry played by Anthony Mackie Falcon from the Marvel movies.

[Fahad Qureshi]:

You know, showing up, showing that whole thing other than showing how bad as, Morgan Freeman's character is, it didn't, and how much he cares for the underdog basically.

[Fahad Qureshi]:

It didn't really add to the overall story. It added to the overall length of the movie, but I just felt like I didn't feel that that was needed because it wasn't really part, at least to me, the overall story.

[Fahad Qureshi]:

It was just, here's this other stuff going on while she's off doing her thing. I would have rather have seen her off doing her thing.

[Fahad Qureshi]:

But, and the last comment I had was, wow, it had a lot of marvel people in it.

[Fahad Qureshi]:

I was like, okay. There's Falcon. There's Luke Cage and.

[Fahad Qureshi]:

Oh, there was one more person. Yeah, and Aunt Man's best friend.

[Aric Maiden]:

Michael Pena from Aunt Man.


I thought it was funny too, cause when I started it, I was like, isn't this Hillary swanks movie?


I was like, are we doing a story about I was like.

[Fahad Qureshi]:

It was like, you know, I mean, I get why they showed. Like why they showed a big willy little bit in the beginning just to show you what mindspace, Frankie was in.





[Fahad Qureshi]:

You know, going into him meeting Maggie, but just then prolonging that story of the training people and all of that.

[Fahad Qureshi]:

I was like, I don't need to see that. But, but yeah, so that's, my take.

[Fahad Qureshi]:

I'll hand it back over to you, Ruth. Okay.


From that as far as, oh, I wanted to just add from partially, I guess adding on to what you said as far as.


But stuff may take away from the story, but what I felt like needed to be added to this story is Frankie's talks about his daughter and I like I want to know what the backstory is about their relationship like why it went so wrong or what had happened because I felt like that was.


Something that would be important for Yes, I thought of you Shelley too during the, part of the story for sure, but.

[Fahad Qureshi]:

Right. And did it ever get resolved? So to Shelley's point, a prequel or a sequel.


Yep, there you go. Huh.

[Aric Maiden]:

Me too. I kind of interpreted. Well, I I kind of got the idea that we were meant to maybe read into it.





[Aric Maiden]:

Because he makes a comment that his daughter used to be rather athletic and he doesn't know she kept up with it so I wonder if his daughter at 1 point wanted to be a fighter and wanted her dad to train him and they had like too much bad blood and arguments about it because he refused to do it and so that's why they haven't spoken in a while and maybe that's another reason why he didn't

[Aric Maiden]:

want to train Hillary Swank because this that was part of his like story and it upset him too much.

[Fahad Qureshi]:

Could be.


What's that?


And I thought maybe, maybe,


Maybe they wanted it left open so you had to imagine. I mean, I agree with you all. I wanted to know.



[Fahad Qureshi]:



I thought maybe we were gonna find out at the end. Let me find out that Morgan Freeman's characters writing her a letter and you think.


What could it be? That was so awful that she returned because he tried so hard. To get in contact with her.


She didn't want anything to do with him, so it had to be something horrible. And then I thought, well, maybe it had, did we ever find out like what happened to his wife or the or maybe they weren't married the mother of the daughter.

[Fahad Qureshi]:

I don't think it, no.


I think so.


So I was wondering that too. I'm like, where is she? Is it something that had to do with her, you know?


I don't know.

[Fahad Qureshi]:

So I did forget to mention one moment that changed the, changed the entire movie and story for me accidentally because I misheard something and I was completely thrown off to the point I had to rewind after thinking about it for 10 min while the movie is still going on.


So that is still our





[Fahad Qureshi]:

I'm like, no, I need to go back and listen again. So she's laying in the hospital bed and Frankie walks in, and the doctor comes in and he says to her, I think we might have to lose the leg, Maggie.



[Fahad Qureshi]:

I heard I think you might have to lose the baby. But then they go into Maggie's face and she looks a little like surprised.


What? Oh my gosh.

[Fahad Qureshi]:

Oh, and I'm like, wait! Who's the dad? Who would know? And then so, minutes, I'm thinking to myself.






Oh my gosh.





[Fahad Qureshi]:

Did I like blank out and miss the whole like? Partation love story with somebody? And I'm going through.


The pregnant box.




Oh my god.

[Fahad Qureshi]:

I'm going through who are the guys she's at since we've seen her and then I went back to oh my god it's Frankie the dad If Well, and I was like, oh my god.


Cool. Clint, it was Frankie.


Oh my god.

[Aric Maiden]:

He calls, Okay.





[Fahad Qureshi]:

The 1 million dollar baby's not her, it's a baby!



[Aric Maiden]:



Okay. Okay.

[Fahad Qureshi]:

And I was like, so I'm like, no, this can't be. So I had to stop and rewind the movie and listen.


Oh my god.


She stayed and then she stays alive just for the pregnant.



[Aric Maiden]:



Okay. Oh my god.


Oh, that's so funny.

[Fahad Qureshi]:

Oh, he said Maggie, not baby.


Oh my gosh, wow.


Yeah. Well then they kind of glossed over that because in the next day she's like they took my leg.



[Fahad Qureshi]:


[Fahad Qureshi]:



They thought, what happened with all of that? Like that should, that was just like one day, I mean.



[Fahad Qureshi]:



One day the leg is gone. They did it fast.


I think it had to do. Hey. They were talking about something with if you can't move your body for so long like you have I forgot what she called

[Fahad Qureshi]:

Okay. So.


You get the sores. I forget what they.


It's so, yeah.

[Fahad Qureshi]:

And the tissue and you also this tissue start. Yeah, but anyway, so that was my quick little thing of how completely changed for a moment.


I guess.

[Aric Maiden]:



Well, I guess.


That's kind of funny. Okay.



[Aric Maiden]:

So you sat down to watch a million dollar baby and the whole time you were like, where's this baby I've been here?


I know, I see.




But it costs a million dollars. Okay.

[Aric Maiden]:

Okay, will there be a baby eventually? Okay. Okay. I know.

[Fahad Qureshi]:

Yeah. I had a feeling I knew what the title was for. Not with an actual baby, which I thought he said we're gonna lose the baby.



[Fahad Qureshi]:

I was mine


Okay. We have time for a boyfriend. I don't know.



[Fahad Qureshi]:

Oh. I mean, and then when I thought it was Frankie, I'm like, is this inappropriate?

[Fahad Qureshi]:

I don't know what's going on in this movie. Shelley, the saddest part is.


Oh my gosh.



[Fahad Qureshi]:

You just mentioned a pregnant boxer. I didn't even think about that. Didn't get pregnant if you're a boxer that's teachers for the baby That's right, Listen, I didn't even think about that.





[Fahad Qureshi]:

I was like, who's the dad? Sure. I don't know. Yeah.


Yeah. Yeah, there was no flirtation.



[Fahad Qureshi]:

Okay. No, that's why I thought this came out of nowhere. And I was like, what is this movie doing?

[Fahad Qureshi]:

But. Back to you.


Yeah, and one more thing I'll say to with his experiences. So I think as far as like how he.


He was ended up being really protective because of all the situations I guess, because then he Frankie talks into more about Morgan Freeman's character because he didn't want Good.


Thank you.


How he. That other his other like I guess one of his last punches because of his eye that being able to see out of it.


So. He's very particular about making sure. Maggie protects her, protects her face and stuff like that.


Hmm, yeah.


But anyways, just kind of, IS like going along. So, Shelley, if you would like to go next, I'll be.


I would love to go next. So yeah, I agree. I agree with you. Fahad.


Well, awesome.


The movie was fine. It was good. I can see why. It's highly critically or even.


What is it called on rotten tomatoes? People that watch it. Watcher rated it's rated high.

[Fahad Qureshi]:



But I didn't I wouldn't say that I enjoyed it I just the that universe it gave me so much anxiety the universe of boxing


I know.


First of all, I don't understand boxing. I wish I did. I'm not into boxing.




I've never watched a site. I mean, I don't know that I think I wish I understood it because I don't want to watch it.


I don't understand it. I don't understand. The all the The whole starting at the beginning when they're everyone sitting around and you know they're watching a fight Just from the very beginning when they're watching, what was his name?


Willie, I think his name was Willie. Just anyway, Big Willy. Sitting around and watching the fight with that they're cheering they're cheering people punching each other and getting really hurt and then just how damaged their faces are and that the fact that they're scoring to it.

[Aric Maiden]:

Big Willie.


I think there was 1 point when when she's in that last fight, will you do that again?


You lose a point. And I thought, how do you even give points in this? Like how many punches you throw?


Like who gets who gets I just I don't understand boxing. It gave me so so much anxiety.


And then on top of that, I wish that I had so much more background information. I wish I knew about Frank or Frankie about his past like what happened with him in his the mother of his daughter, what happened with the daughter and we never find out that drive me crazy.


And then I don't know about her background, Maggie's background. I wanted to know why, why did she get into boxing?




She's 31. That doesn't seem like a sport that you pick up. At that age or at all really I don't know think I've ever known any boxers.


The actors obviously were great. I like Morgan Freeman is awesome. Quint Eastwood was great.


And Hillary swank was great. So I mean, it was a good. Well acted film. It just wasn't a universe that I'm comfortable in or a world that I'm comfortable in.




The I knew that I guess the other problem is that I know I knew what happened at the end I had heard what happened at the end.


So the whole entire time I was just so anxious about When is she going to get hurt and when is he going to kill like help her die?


And I have lots of mixed feelings on medically assisted. Stuart or medical assistance in dying or or assistance and dying but for this situation I felt like I understood why I felt like gosh I can't see Any quality of life like I can't even imagine.




What kind of life that would be. She and she clearly didn't like she was very unhappy.


And uncomfortable. So I see why it was a good movie, but I didn't enjoy it. If that makes sense to everybody.



[Fahad Qureshi]:

That makes sense to me. On the quality of life things Shelley, I think also like for me, I kind of get anxious when I can't take a deep breath.


Yeah, I think so.


It wasn't my movie, wasn't my kind of movie.

[Fahad Qureshi]:

As easily, you know, sometimes you try to Take a deep breath, but it doesn't complete all the way to give you that nice feeling.

[Fahad Qureshi]:

And that freaks me out when that happens. And to think that she can't even do that.


Ever. Yeah.

[Fahad Qureshi]:

Like she can't. Like, it's just, just thinking about that. Yeah.



[Aric Maiden]:

Yeah, I guess the difference between her and. The the quadriplegic characters from intuitables and for you are they could be on their own.



[Fahad Qureshi]:



Yeah. And they had they seem to have. Fun doing things or they had pleasure in their lives. Where she had nothing.



[Fahad Qureshi]:



I mean, she literally just had to late. I mean, what did they say? It took hours to get her into the wheelchair.






So I mean, I that just seems awful.

[Aric Maiden]:

I was thinking though that's That comes down to partly just the direction of the phone, because the other 2 were like both kind of uplifting.



[Aric Maiden]:

The characters are like out and about usually and there's comedy and no part of the sequence a million dollar baby did we ever see her he mentioned trying to get her a chair that she could you know control herself That didn't happen, so we didn't get to see her like trying to be out there.



[Aric Maiden]:

In the world. So. But then that makes me wonder if those characters. From the other 2 movies, if they were real life people.

[Aric Maiden]:

Are they really as happy as they might seem sometimes? I mean, we know that me before you that character, Sam Cleveland's character was not because had a plan from the beginning and he didn't change his mind no matter how fun it seems to be like how much more enjoyable his life seems to be with with an Amelia Clark who still was like, no, I still am not having a good time.




And And that's, and I guess that's why I, and maybe that's why as a viewer.


I understood more her decision than I did his. Because it appeared on film. Oh, he likes her.

[Aric Maiden]:



He's having fun. Whereas, Maggie was not having fun ever and not only was she not able to sit up or sit in a wheel then she loses her leg and then she you know there was nothing that made it seem, I guess maybe they were doing that so that you weren't upset with him for what he ends up doing.


I mean, he was being Compassionate. And it didn't give a question as to, as to you know, why he would do that for her.

[Aric Maiden]:




[Aric Maiden]:

As and me before you, it's just doctors we don't know.


Yeah, just yeah doctors we don't know and and we see him being happy we see him doing, well, what if he goes to this symphony?


I mean, he did things that I watched movies with her. I mean, it was it was a semi-filling existence.

[Aric Maiden]:

Yeah, I mean.


Yeah, beautiful.

[Fahad Qureshi]:

Did he had that relationship? I mean, he was built. Of relationship.


And you had a relationship.



[Aric Maiden]:

From that perspective, I still don't completely understand and that's why I said it's kind of a directing thing because they only show us a certain kind of life in 1 million dollar baby because you think to yourself What if she, you know, Did learn to you know control a chair and could still read or watch movies or talk with people would that not?




Go to school. I mean, he wanted her to go to school.



[Aric Maiden]:

Yeah, would that not have been better for her? If she, if they made it seem like she literally had nothing.

[Aric Maiden]:

She only had Frank, no other family, no lovers, nothing. And she only had boxing and she couldn't have boxing anymore.

[Aric Maiden]:

So there was only Frank and she didn't want to be a burden. So that was it. She was like, but isn't there?

[Aric Maiden]:

There could be more to life. But then I also felt the same way you did Shelley where I was like, I totally understand what she wants to do because I wanted to do it.



[Aric Maiden]:

I'm like watching him like I want to die. Go ahead and just end it. This is horrible.


Yeah. Yeah.

[Fahad Qureshi]:

I mean, because the the other pleasures, I mean, the pleasure of breathing. I'm sorry, I'm still going back to that.


Oh, I know, but I know what you mean.

[Aric Maiden]:

It is. But are you a breatharian?

[Fahad Qureshi]:

It's and then Well, then I was, but also the pleasure of just eating, you know, if you can't.






Having to do the baby.



[Fahad Qureshi]:

Like you can't experience like a steak again. You can't experience. Even just like.

[Aric Maiden]:



Or even drinking a coffee or a coke or something that

[Fahad Qureshi]:

It is. I mean, you know, you can experience even. Yeah. I mean, yes, you can be stimulated, mentally by like seeing things and talking and there is that aspect, which is why it's such a struggle.


Doing things for yourself.

[Fahad Qureshi]:

It's like we like.


I wanted him to put a damn movie on for her, something. But shouldn't have to delay there.

[Aric Maiden]:

Yeah. Some people don't want to listen to you, Yates for hours. Watch like Back to the Future or something.


Okay. Yeah.







[Fahad Qureshi]:

You can't go to 6 flags or Universal Studios or Disney World with her family.


Okay. Hi! Yeah.

[Fahad Qureshi]:

That was horrible too.


Yeah. Yeah.


That was terrible. They were there for 6 days without like coming to see her.

[Fahad Qureshi]:

I, That's where I thought the movie took another weird turn. I was like, did they get abducted?

[Fahad Qureshi]:

What happened? Where have they been for 6 days? I thought that was gonna be a whole other new mystery or story like Okay, that's a break.




Really? I didn't think that. Okay.

[Fahad Qureshi]:

I, my mind when they said that they were gone for 6 days, my mind didn't go to that they've been in Disney world.


Yeah, I, no, no, I just thought that they were doing other things. I saw it actually years ago.

[Fahad Qureshi]:

Yours did.



[Fahad Qureshi]:

I didn't I didn't know what happened.


Well, I, I thought years ago, but I, I forgot about the Disney World, but I just thought they were just out shopping and doing things and appropriate to what they should be doing.

[Fahad Qureshi]:

Yeah, so I hadn't seen it before, so my mind didn't. Yeah, I hadn't seen that before, so my mind didn't, they were doing other things.


Yeah. Yeah.


Because things would have, the movie would have taken a turn of like, oh, they're abducted.


Did you? Did you think that the first time or did you? See it think that this time when you watched it?


You would have known that right away.

[Fahad Qureshi]:

Yeah, but remember I was going off a thing.


I mean.

[Fahad Qureshi]:

I'm just saying I didn't I didn't know what was going on just like when I thought she was pregnant.


Yeah. Yeah.


Yeah, I didn't know either at first. What was going on? And then I. Then when they kind of showed, showed them show up it was like Okay, well it's showing more and more they're selfish and they really don't care about her.


They're just there for day one and all that.


What? Did Woody Woodpecker shirts on? Where, where is Woody Woodpecker?




Where was this, rehab place?


Is There is everything, and they were in Florida. Okay. Yeah.

[Fahad Qureshi]:

I think, what he is universe.

[Aric Maiden]:

You were at Universal Studios.

[Fahad Qureshi]:

Yeah, what do you want peckers that universe like? Yeah.


Hey, was in Florida?




I, I didn't hear because they were from where. They were all from Florida. They lived in Florida too.


I thought they were from the Ozarks. I read those from the Ozarks. They're different ozarks.


And Missouri, I think, Missouri, right? That was right. Yeah, Ozarks.

[Aric Maiden]:

Oh yeah, she was from.




But, okay. But he her the boxing place was in Florida. Or the rehab place was in Florida.

[Aric Maiden]:

But the


How does the Ria places in full?


I mean, It doesn't matter, but I'm just curious if I thought they were in the same, I thought, oh, I don't know.


But Shelley, I thought you know, too. When I saw it there and, they went to the of the other studios, I was like, what?


So I think you like you said the rehab place was in Florida away from where she lived obviously. Yeah, that's what I realized that Yes.


Right. I was trying to figure out where the boxing place was, where the the training gym was.


Like where does Morgan Freeman live? Like where is his


Oh, that is weird. Okay, I'll confused with that. Oh.




And then where at the end. Where did Frank go? Where do you all think he went? Did he go and?

[Aric Maiden]:

Oh, they show you the clip. He went to that place that she had taken him to for pie.


Oh, the pie place, yeah.


Oh, the pie place, but that's where he lived.



[Aric Maiden]:

Well, I don't know. But he did make a comment. I wonder if a place like this is so maybe he decided like I'm walking away from boxing.

[Fahad Qureshi]:

Yeah, I'm gonna buy it.





[Aric Maiden]:

Maybe he decided like I'm walking away from boxing. I don't want to do it anymore. I'm walking away from boxing. I don't want to do it anymore.

[Aric Maiden]:

I'm going to make.


Well, yeah, I understand that. Because good Lord, but I was trying to imagine what his life would be like after like where is he gonna go?

[Aric Maiden]:



How could you go on? How could you kill? You just not that he killed her like murdered her, but he assisted in her death.

[Aric Maiden]:

I was going to say.

[Fahad Qureshi]:





And then you just go do what? Like. What do you gonna do? He walked out of there and then did they not catch him?


That was my other question. Did they not figure did they not okay so he gave he put some sort of medication in her IV.

[Aric Maiden]:


[Fahad Qureshi]:

Yeah, and.

[Aric Maiden]:

There, which I guess .


Right? Did they not, so they can't do like toxicology or they wouldn't do a toxicology, they would just assume that like she died, they don't do an autopsy.


That's why I was wondering.

[Aric Maiden]:

Okay. Okay.


That's what I was wondering as a plot hole, I think.

[Fahad Qureshi]:

And I think I think they have to do an autopsy. I think they have to do an autopsy, but but yeah, I don't, I don't.


If you die in like a rehab place because I know that you only if your family like if If my husband, God forbid, died, like I think I would have the choice whether or not to have an autopsy.

[Fahad Qureshi]:



So does her family like just I don't know. Or am I just reading way too far into this?

[Aric Maiden]:

Oh, I think, because

[Aric Maiden]:

I think because, well, the family could ask for one, but if they were, if they weren't surprised at the death, then you wouldn't need.

[Fahad Qureshi]:

Hi there. But.



[Aric Maiden]:

It's not for decided, but the fact that he he turned off the alarm on the EKG, they would probably notice that and that would be something that they would say, well, we may need to do an autopsy to find out if anything can now happen.





[Aric Maiden]:

But I think what he the only thing he shot her up with as far as the remember And I guess that was It's a boxing.


Was it a genital adrenaline? Where did he get that from?


You they give it to you? Really? Okay.

[Aric Maiden]:

It was like part of their supplies. Just in case somebody gets dumped out or something. So I think that hold on for. So I think that.

[Fahad Qureshi]:

Yeah. But he



[Aric Maiden]:

I think the fact that he used something like adrenaline means that if they did like some kind of toxicology or autopsy they would say.

[Aric Maiden]:

Well, there was a lot of adrenaline in her system, but if she was. Dying because she couldn't breathe or something.


It would be in our system.

[Aric Maiden]:

There would be, because she'd be struggling and panicking. And so maybe that's a way to that he sort of like it's just like under like they won't discover what happened.



[Fahad Qureshi]:

But he also took out her breathing tube.


Right because they said he said you'll I'm gonna take this out and you're gonna fall asleep is that right?

[Aric Maiden]:

All in out.


You can't breathe so you just Wait.

[Fahad Qureshi]:

I don't know, but to me that's the Biggest. Alarm setter is the fact that the breathing tube is out like that to me would indicate something happen.

[Fahad Qureshi]:

We need to look more into it.

[Aric Maiden]:

Maybe it could fall out though and he was you know like if you added up all up he's thinking they're just gonna look at this like an unfortunate accident like her breathing tube fell out because one was watching her and the alarm was off for some reason and she panicked and passed.

[Fahad Qureshi]:

I don't.

[Fahad Qureshi]:

Yeah, the only thing I don't think a breathing too could fall out for a paraplegic if they can't really move.


So this is.

[Fahad Qureshi]:

Once they, like that's, a huge liability of breathing tubes can easily fall out.

[Aric Maiden]:

You know


And so this is 20 years ago. This movie was made, right? 2,004. So they probably didn't have the cameras that they probably would today.

[Fahad Qureshi]:


[Aric Maiden]:

Mean like surveillance and stuff.


Yeah, yeah, well the cameras. That are in the in the hallways. I mean, cause I just kept thinking they're gonna see him.


Oh yeah.


They're gonna know he was there, but I guess 20 years ago they didn't.

[Aric Maiden]:

It was like.


She shall, that's a, I was mention that my comments, that that's a huge plot hole.


There's cameras, their cameras in 2,004. There's cameras back in the night in the ninetys.


Obviously they're better ones now, but they still kind of a simple camera could have seen them. Huge plot hole.


But there, yeah, that's what I'm thinking there's.


I didn't like that. I didn't, anyway, I'll get that to that when I get my comes.

[Aric Maiden]:

I feel like I'm justifying like I get what you guys are saying but it was also if you remember the hallway was so dark you couldn't even see a space when he was in it walking so they're made a camera in the hall and they just wouldn't be able to know who the person was.


Yeah, I agree with you.




Was the point of the cameras to see people go in and out? Why have a cameras for dart?


I mean, I give you a saying, but like why? The point is that we have 20 h surveillance to prevent things from happening people or not.


So I don't know. Yeah.

[Aric Maiden]:

Yes, mate. I don't know.


No, sometimes usually from listening to true crime podcasts, the cameras are never working. Never working when you need them.

[Fahad Qureshi]:

I was gonna say there's a in a lot of movies, there's, it's always like, okay, the camera is, why are the hospital so dark?


Yeah, I don't get that. Yeah, that's true.

[Fahad Qureshi]:

Why is nobody around? Like all those things happen in all these. So like even when they were trying to save her when she bit down on her tongue, I'm like, and she's struggling to let them help her and stuff.


That's true, yeah.



[Fahad Qureshi]:

I'm like, why didn't anybody put her like to sleep immediately so they could. You know, address this.

[Fahad Qureshi]:

They're all just focusing on holding her down and then they find her to sleep. But so it didn't seem like they were the most competent people at this facility.




No, that's true.


No, I don't think so either.

[Aric Maiden]:

Kelly to your question about. Taking the breathing out and then just going to sleep I was thinking about that too, but then I just realized just the second, you know, you know the reason why you yawn is because of a deficiency of oxygen in your system.

[Aric Maiden]:

And so like it, that's equated with being tired. So I guess if you weren't getting enough oxygen like for breathing got like way, way too shallow, she would just pass out.


Probably, you're probably right.



[Aric Maiden]:

I don't know how long. I don't know how long she would live though if if if she was just


I mean, cause why could he just not pull the oxygen and then I mean she was he trying to be Make it speed it up.

[Aric Maiden]:

Maybe, yeah, she wouldn't have to suffer through anything. Or you know, somebody discovers her and brings her back and then they have to try it again.



[Aric Maiden]:



Oh yeah, that's true.


I think Morgan Freeman's character said something while we know the adrenaline that Frankie put in a ton of it so to make sure that she'd have to go through it again, I guess too.


I don't really know how


But why would he write to his daughter and say, so your dad?


Helped this girl like why would even put that in writing Because couldn't he she take that letter and be like look what my dad did she like so angry at him right





[Aric Maiden]:

Well, we don't know how angry she is at him. Just she just decided they're like estranged and she just has no interest in talking to him because maybe she thinks he's an asshole.

[Aric Maiden]:

So it seemed like the whole story that Morgan Freeman's character told her in the letter. Was what he wanted and her to know that he's actually a compassionate person.



[Aric Maiden]:

That he that he did and maybe that goes to my theory that his daughter wanted to train as a boxer but her dad would refuse to and she walked away from him because he was being a dick about it.



[Aric Maiden]:

So he wanted to say like, look, he did like take on this girl and developed a bond with her and like there's a man here that you could.



[Aric Maiden]:

Have a relationship with if you wanted to.




And I could see that the only the only hole that I find in that hypothesis would be then why does he go to church every day?


Like what would be, why would that be so bad that he feels like he has to go? To church and then you know put a noise this poor priest he goes to church every day for 23 years and at the end he questions him repeatedly on Catholic dogma.





[Aric Maiden]:



And the the poor priest is like enough why are you coming you you know what is what's going on?

[Aric Maiden]:

I don't know. We need backstory for that, I guess. Just make it up.


Yes, but maybe you're right maybe.

[Aric Maiden]:

Maybe his daughter used to go to mass all the time. And so when she left, he decided to start going as a way to be close to her.

[Aric Maiden]:

There we go, made up. Okay. Yeah.


That could be it. There you go. That you just filled in the plot. Yeah.



[Fahad Qureshi]:

It was funny when the priest actually cursed it. I was like, oh. Not being very, like.


Yes, like.


Okay. Yeah. Yeah.



[Aric Maiden]:

A patience is not infinite, right?



[Aric Maiden]:



But he kept relying on that, sorry. That I found interesting like when he was contemplating what he had to do, he went to go find out what the priest had to say.



[Aric Maiden]:

But you didn't like, you didn't like what the priest said.


I just found that I found that relationship. Well, yeah, he didn't he obviously didn't agree.


Thank you. Hello.


But the priest had to say, you know, Catholic Catholic teaching says. That exactly what the priest the answer was that we don't do.




We don't do that.

[Aric Maiden]:

But, but I like, but I liked Frankie, Frank's, Frankie, Frankie's response.

[Aric Maiden]:

He said, But in my view, it would be a greater sin to let her suffer like this. I was like, yeah, I mean, isn't it?


Exactly, yes. And I, I agreed. I felt for him. I agreed with him.

[Aric Maiden]:

Like, isn't that worse?



[Aric Maiden]:



Like, but you're not looking at this. Specific situation.


Which is how I feel about, I guess, how I feel about. The I think medically assistance and dying is what it's called.


I know we talked about this in that last movie, but. It's a it's an interesting topic to discuss.

[Aric Maiden]:



Every situation, every situation is different.

[Fahad Qureshi]:

Yeah, exactly. It's and it's like that in a lot of cases for a lot of medical stuff.

[Fahad Qureshi]:

You know, every situation is different and needs to be discussed in and of itself. Okay.


Yeah. No blanket decisions. Can work. Alright, I'll I'll stop talking.


Alrighty, thank you Shelly. I thought, well, maybe I should try and in before we get to everybody, but I just wanted to say, totally get you all feelings, but I actually really like it.


I really like the movie. I like to like the kinda how they ended up. Kind of like, freaky kind of I felt like needed somewhat of like a a doctor figure in his life, you know, essentially he kind of came around for her.




And, I felt like she needed. Some would have more of like a. Good person, more of like a father figure or someone in that someone more so she could actually feel like she could.


Look up to and. I thought I was funny too where after she won her one of her matches how she jumped in to his arms and he was like, wait a minute, I'm not old man, stuff like that.




I thought it was funny. You did.

[Aric Maiden]:

Yeah, she basically adopted a father, right? Like your mind now, I'm gonna stick around until you warm up to me and that's it.


Yeah, because her dad was the only one that treated her. Well, it seems.






Along with along with that. It was no chance for him to. Have someone to care about since his wife and daughter didn't work out when we said all know what happened there but This was someone else that he could be cared for.

[Aric Maiden]:



It was almost like. His daughter, you know, like a daughter figure for him. So for her it was a father figure for her and almost like a family because he's kind of like our own family.


It's like, guys, I mentioned those only family she kind of had that was not. For him, the daughter he lost.

[Aric Maiden]:





Yeah, so yeah. Hmm. Yeah, I got something that I

[Fahad Qureshi]:

They filled a void in one another.

[Aric Maiden]:

But not filling the void in a way results in a baby. Yeah. Yeah. Yeah.

[Fahad Qureshi]:

I, I know I said. Oh, for that I realized it.






Yeah. Yeah.

[Aric Maiden]:

Okay, hot in his all his accidentally sexy puns, they're continuing. You think you say as a double meeting.



[Fahad Qureshi]:

I don't know.


Lotation. Oh, I just also wanted to say like, So like he tries to protect everyone that's fight.

[Aric Maiden]:

Okay, who's next?




Been fighting for him and then Probably good it's like hey let her go for the big shot so they get to Vegas and then you feel like back from where she's doing so well and this woman she's fighting.


No, Yeah. Yeah.


Like does loo blows and like sucker punches and everything and then. You think oh gosh she doesn't really here or what's going on, but then I can tell like she feels bad about what she did to her about.


When the when the chair was set out, but that's clearly something you should never have done she was just upset that she was losing and that really Maybe upset for her because her you know, things were finally I felt like.




She's really getting some iron. She was doing great and for something like that especially.



[Aric Maiden]:

Yeah, it wasn't necessary. I hated that woman so much and to, you know, pile on to, you know, Shelley's, we call it Shelley's usual view one more story.



[Aric Maiden]:

I really wanted part of this movie to be her getting held accountable for what she did. So bell had rang, she should not be throwing a punch.


You too.

[Aric Maiden]:

And she's ruined, she basically murdered. Maggie. That's the way I see it.

[Aric Maiden]:

And she should be in jail for it and I wanted to at least somebody to mention that she was in jail or I mean I've heard stories about people who get into fights and accidentally kill people and then they I mean, I don't know if that maybe it's just an urban legend, but their fists get registered is like.

[Aric Maiden]:

Weapons like, you know, because they've like attacked somebody and murdered them with them. So. You know, it's no different than holding a gun or a knife is like.


Okay. Well.

[Aric Maiden]:

You are able to do that, you know, you should be held accountable.


Yes, you should.


It reminded me so much. Okay, so recently. I don't know a couple of weeks ago in England there I don't know if you'll heard this story there was a hockey a hockey game and the player who was kind of reminded me of this character.


He threw a kick with his, like he was falling and he threw a kick at the guy and he killed him because his skate sliced the guy's throat.

[Fahad Qureshi]:



And they couldn't bring him back. And he did get charged. So I was thinking the exact same thing.


I want to see her get charged. Like you can't be reckless in these sports like that. Even though the guy, the hockey guy, he didn't mean to kill him.

[Fahad Qureshi]:



He was still reckless in his action. Which caused the guide death. Like you can't, it just makes me so mad.

[Fahad Qureshi]:



Sorry, Eric, to jump all over you, but are onto your Comment.

[Aric Maiden]:

No, I totally agree. And this woman, I mean, it makes it worse that the only reason she behaves this way is because she got, you know, but hurt because she's not doing that well in the fight.

[Aric Maiden]:

You know, get over it. Like, she's not a mature person. And it's a miracle she didn't hurt anyone before this point, but oh, that's it.


But yeah, she was super reckless. Didn't like that at all. Maybe so mad.


Yeah, she should have definitely been held up like you're saying, be held accountable for and. Yeah, something should have definitely happened to her who knows maybe she just kept on boxing and




Yeah, it's weird that they issue the cops coming up there and getting her off there she kills someone.

[Fahad Qureshi]:





That's she killed someone commit a crime. What's up?



[Aric Maiden]:

Yeah. And I know they can't spend that too much time on a separate story like that, which would be about her being arrested or prosecuted, but they could have at least had Frankie or I forget just say like She's gonna be doing some time, you know, like the commission has The boxing commission has.


Talk to, yeah.




Something. Yeah, they could have thrown that in. I get, I, I agree.






That's crazy.

[Aric Maiden]:

I don't know, or like completely like pee-commissioned her forever or something.

[Aric Maiden]:

Something like that, anything just, you know, that she got. What she deserves for what she for the way she behaved but no


Yeah. Okay, well thank you guys. Well, I'm gonna definitely move on and so Eric slept up.


Tell me what you thought and everything.

[Aric Maiden]:

Yeah. So I'll start out with the negative. The negative is just like Shelley said, I I'm not into boxing movies.

[Aric Maiden]:

I haven't really watched any that I can think of and I never had a plan to watch this one.

[Aric Maiden]:

And mainly it's because I really do not, I really hate movies that glorify boxing and I don't understand the sport.

[Aric Maiden]:

I don't know, maybe somebody who's really a fan of it could explain to me in terms that aren't, oh, we just like watching people beat themselves to bloody pulps.

[Aric Maiden]:

I think it what is disgusting stupid idea to have a sport that's about that so so you know it that makes it hard for me to get into a storyline that is about somebody who like really wants to be the best at boxing is like I can't get invested in this because I don't think they should be doing it in the first place.

[Aric Maiden]:

And it's another one of those professions where it seems like the people who are doing it are mainly doing it because they really have nothing else.

[Aric Maiden]:

There is nothing else that they could do. So, you know, because a lot of times they take some of these guys definitely.

[Aric Maiden]:

Off the street because they were fighting on the street and they're like, you know, you could make a profession now.

[Aric Maiden]:

This is like, okay, well, I, we will. And, and it's like, because that's all that they've got going for them and and I don't agree with that.

[Aric Maiden]:

I don't think that's appropriate. And And I just don't, I mean, football is almost as bad, but at least there's a you know, there's some, I don't know, the choreography to it, some pageantry, there's, there's these, you know, there's rules, there could be, definitely could be skill.


There seems to be a point.

[Aric Maiden]:

But it is, you know, e football is also so physically dangerous. And there and there is a violence like built into it and then I don't really get that either.

[Aric Maiden]:

I don't know why. And I think, you know, too many people who are really interested in being spectators of these sports don't.

[Aric Maiden]:

Do enough self-reflection to say, oh, the reason that I really love watching this is I love the violence.

[Aric Maiden]:

And I think maybe you should question that about yourself. If that's what you're into. But.


And hockey too, right? Like.

[Aric Maiden]:

Yeah, hockey too. So So that's one negative is I just can't get into the boxing part.

[Aric Maiden]:

Another one is that I had this. I had this hard time with, narrated movies.

[Aric Maiden]:

So Morgan Freeman narrates this whole thing. And it bothered me and I was like, is this really necessary?

[Aric Maiden]:

Could they not tell us the story without a narrator? And I know they try to buy it back at the end by revealing that the whole time this has been the letter he is writing.

[Aric Maiden]:

To Frankie's daughter. Okay, sure. Okay, now I get it like he was just this was a story he was writing down the whole time But, you know, and I do.

[Aric Maiden]:

I do understand that from a a scripting storytelling. Perspective, it's a useful tool, especially in this case because there was a lot of story to get through.

[Aric Maiden]:

So the narration is a way, an easy way to not have to film everything in every interaction and instead just describe it.

[Aric Maiden]:

And so the visuals don't always have to be so thorough. I do get that, but like I said, I still struggle with the necessity for it.

[Aric Maiden]:

I think it comes down to the fact that a long time ago I heard some Some film critics say that, voiceover narration was very lazy filmmaking.

[Aric Maiden]:

And I remember that really sticking with me and now every time I see it in a movie I think this seems lazy to me.

[Aric Maiden]:

So those are the negatives, but I will say that I enjoyed the movie because of the specifically the performances and the performances with characters between each other.

[Aric Maiden]:

Really amazing, especially Hillary Swank. I really felt like I was not watching Hillary Swing.

[Aric Maiden]:

I was watching a completely different person that just happened to look like her. Because I've seen her in tons of stuff and this felt really like a completely formed person that was not her and I fell in love with that character.

[Aric Maiden]:

I really, really like to Maggie, which of course, you know, they want you to because that way you're really heartbroken about what happens to her.

[Aric Maiden]:

And that part of the movie, the last you know, act of the movie after she has her accident.

[Aric Maiden]:

Is so bleak. It's just so hard to watch. There's like just no happiness.

[Aric Maiden]:

There's nothing to look forward to. Oh my god. And of course that's the scene where they put in her family coming back and they are just awful people.

[Aric Maiden]:

So, so, so awful. And I know, you know, we shouldn't. We shouldn't generalize about people, but, you know.

[Aric Maiden]:

I mean, I grew, I spent the first 5 years of my life in a trailer park, but so, you know, I sometimes I'll joke that I'm trailer trash, but there is a specific kind of trans crush like that that really does like every decision they make is you know, you know, about their welfare check.

[Aric Maiden]:

That's, you know, I don't want to feed into a Republican narrative about welfare abuse and that you know there shouldn't be welfare there absolutely should be welfare but there are people like that out there that that behave this way and so her and it's hard because I love Margo Martindale.

[Aric Maiden]:

But she plays such a terrible woman. In this. You know, she can't even be excited that her daughter is doing so well she could buy a whole house for her outright.

[Aric Maiden]:

She has to think about and her mother didn't look like she was disabled in any way shape or form.

[Aric Maiden]:

I don't see why she couldn't have been holding down a job for herself. So, you know, and of course, you know, her sister and the rest of the family.

[Aric Maiden]:

Horrible people too. So it's really nice for her that she had Frank, but

[Aric Maiden]:

What else? The the cast was interesting because this was almost 20 years ago. It's coming up on his twentieth anniversary.

[Aric Maiden]:

So seeing Anthony Mackie all the way back then was strange. He's playing a horrible person too.

[Aric Maiden]:

It was very weird to see JI haven't really, I didn't know he was ever in a movie of this caliber before.

[Aric Maiden]:

And he's playing a very interesting character. But to I didn't mind the gym scenes with the other characters when, you know, Maggie and Frank and Morgan Freeman's character were were in the room and on site, that made sense.

[Aric Maiden]:

It's just a little bit background flavor and it sort of shows you like the kind of world that Maggie is trying to get into.

[Aric Maiden]:

And how does she fit into that world? But I agree with Fahad. I think he didn't say it explicitly, but.

[Aric Maiden]:

But I think this is what he meant. The scene where Frankie and Maggie are away. And we just get this whole sequence about.

[Aric Maiden]:

Danger getting beaten up. By Anthony Mackie's character and Morgan Freeman breaking it up.

[Aric Maiden]:

I thought the same thing when I was watching. I was like, what is really the point of this?

[Aric Maiden]:

Did we need to see any of this sequence? What, message is this trying to tell us?

[Aric Maiden]:

I don't know if it's just trying to make us feel. Feel more for Morgan Freeman, but I don't know, it didn't have that effect on me and I know at the end of the movie they bring Jerry bear show back.

[Aric Maiden]:

Danger was the character's name. To just come back after he'd healed up to say you're right Every fire any provider can lose one fight.

[Aric Maiden]:

You so I guess the message they were trying to make with that character was you got to get back on the horse you can't let yourself you know you can't let one failure keep you from living your dream but then you know as soon as I thought I was like but I'm coming back around to the whole idea that it was like Boxing is stupid.

[Aric Maiden]:

Whoa, this shouldn't be anyone's dream. This is horrible. Like he got beaten so horribly.

[Aric Maiden]:

No one should encourage him to continue doing this. So, you know. Yes.

[Fahad Qureshi]:

It also contradicts the message of what happened with Hilary Slings character. No, you can't just bounce right back up and keep on going.

[Aric Maiden]:

I don't like you.

[Aric Maiden]:


[Fahad Qureshi]:

It's a point you have to be like, I give up.

[Aric Maiden]:

Did we see her lose? A fight? I can't remember now. She lose one or?


I don't think so.

[Aric Maiden]:

That's the fight they showed us.


Did she lose? No, I don't think I think she won from. Did she win when she had that different manager, or whatever his name was at the beginning.


He wasn't helping. He wasn't training. He was.

[Aric Maiden]:

Yeah, But Frank took over and I think she won that.


No, he left her like he left Frank took over, but did she won? So she won all of them.

[Aric Maiden]:

I think so. I can't remember what she didn't win. So, you know. The one she looked, well she didn't even lose.

[Aric Maiden]:

I hated that they said that she lost that last 5 because she didn't. She was winning it.



[Aric Maiden]:

And, and then her, her competitor cheated. And broke her neck so there was no way she could finish.


She did. Yeah.

[Aric Maiden]:

So it was like she did not lose that thing. If any she is the only one who won that, if anyone won it.

[Fahad Qureshi]:

Also, dangers. Little bit about how the ice got into the bottle.



[Aric Maiden]:




[Fahad Qureshi]:

It was a bit awkward. It was funny, but it was a bit awkwardly placed in this movie that's not really that kind of a movie.

[Fahad Qureshi]:

I was like, it's endearing and it makes you feel for him for when he later gets beaten up more and you look, he's such an innocent.

[Fahad Qureshi]:

Soul, but I don't know. I mean, it was funny, but I just felt a little out of place.



[Aric Maiden]:

It's true. Yeah, It's I guess it's just flavor in the movie, but it's like did the movie need at 2 h and 15 min did the movie need extra flavor.

[Fahad Qureshi]:


[Aric Maiden]:

I, So I loved the characters and interaction with each other. I guess they were trying to keep.

[Aric Maiden]:

Especially in the case of Frankie. Trying to keep the back story. To a minimum so that he remained a bit aloof and mysterious.

[Aric Maiden]:

And also, like I said, because it's over a 2 h movie, so you can't exactly introduce new characters and have flashbacks and you're just gonna extend everything.

[Aric Maiden]:

And it wouldn't focus on the main characters as much But, yeah, I guess, I'll stop here with just one thing.

[Aric Maiden]:

To illustrate how old this movie is. I didn't realize it was 2,004. Like it just seems like yesterday this came out but in one scene a bus goes by and there's a banner across it and it's an ad for the apprentice with Donald Trump.

[Fahad Qureshi]:




[Aric Maiden]:

And I thought to myself, it's 2,004, absolutely nobody knows what's coming. Okay.



[Fahad Qureshi]:

Okay. And I also just say though, it was 20 years ago, but other than being a little thinner back then, Anthony Mackey pretty much looks the same.



[Aric Maiden]:

He does.



[Fahad Qureshi]:

I was like, whoa, this cannot be 20 years ago. And Michael, to some extent, let's put on weight, but like it's, look like, 20 years has gone by.


Yeah, Hello.

[Aric Maiden]:

Yeah, it's weird.


Okay. Alright.

[Aric Maiden]:

He's character was a little, his character was a little awkward for me because he only gets like one line and it's a line that is meant to show that he's.



[Aric Maiden]:

An immigrant struggling with English was like, oh, That's the character he had to play. But you know, he got bigger and better things later, so that's good.




Yeah, definitely. Alrighty, Eric, well thank you for your thoughts. Appreciate it. Alright, Takia and you are up.

[Aric Maiden]:

You're welcome.


What do you think?


That's good.

[Aric Maiden]:

Okay, if you're talking to us, you're on mute.

[Aric Maiden]:

Or something.


Sucks. There we go. Hi. I'll say my little notes here.




Hold on, sir. Yeah, I love the movie. Very inspiring. I love when I, when I, moving focuses on hero or hair, in this case, you know, the kind of local here, heroin that becomes.


Gosh. Sorry, camps to talking. What someone, you know, they, let's say, but not such a hero, but they, They go out and fight for the things they.


They go and fulfill their dreams. In this case, Maggie Stream was to box and She fought hard forward and, at first off you could, could Eastwood's character was, got his name now.


Frankie, yeah. Bringing was like, I don't wanna train this girl, she's too old, what not, and then he.


Finally realized, okay, she's got some fight embarked in her so even when she was getting beat up, I think at 1 point I'd like the line where, She had she broken her nose and her eye and Something about Freaky said, how much, how many times are you gonna get hurt?


Something, I don't, I don't know how to line right, but she was like, at least.


I haven't been knocked out yet. Do you guys remember there saying that?

[Aric Maiden]:



Good. And I just remember her.


Oh, you don't. Where at least I haven't been knocked out yet. Did you did it early on?


So no matter how much her face was. Being, you know. Pummeled into a, like a sandwich, she was.


You know, still up going at it, then never gave up. Just rose. Higher higher even going over see she.


Achieved all that and then. Yeah, I didn't. Hmm.

[Aric Maiden]:

It was there was a similar scene where he told her like he put the coagulant on and he told her you have about 30 s before this breaks and sprays blood everywhere and she was like That's all I need.


Yes, all that.

[Aric Maiden]:

Like, I was like, oh, well, I usually, I only need 30 s and I'm putting this woman down.


What? But that's what I mean, Eric. That's like bad assness. I love the, I love the female badass.

[Aric Maiden]:

I was like, oh, that's that's confident.

[Aric Maiden]:

Yeah, that is.


Yeah, that was yeah. So that was really cool. Even when you asked her how many eyes you need to see, just one, like she didn't.

[Aric Maiden]:

Tit boss.


She didn't she didn't back out. I mean like she was nothing until she got paralyzed, nothing was stop her, you know, from, and said she should get her face.


Pulled to to a, I'm trying to use an analogy where you call it. You get what I'm saying, I say, no matter how much how many times she got pummeled and down she was going to keep doing this she enjoyed it she loved it she was in it you know


Did you ever wonder why like why do people like to get beaten up like that? Like that's crazy.


I was thinking in my mind, Shelley, like I was saying this kind of idea of getting pay people will will stand beat up to get paid millions.


That is kind of weird to me. But let's like anything else like that. There are some unusual occupations out there that people like that we don't understand, but.


They like that no matter, you know, in this case, it's evolves obviously getting hurt and you're getting bruised, beaten up.


And they go back for more. So I don't know, I guess it's something.


But don't you think it's weird? Like I couldn't get over the past, I mean the fact that people are cheering them on.


Yeah, it's weird, but.


Yeah, because it didn't see us entertainment just like we cheer on like death in movies and horror movies and stuff.


I know that sounds weird, Real life you see something like, you know, someone gets stabbed or killed in a weird horrified, but like just like how we're entertained by him in the movies, they get.

[Fahad Qureshi]:

This is real life.


Yeah, but I kept thinking this is real like it's real people.


Yes. Yes, I mean because people aren't getting killed in boxing. Maybe that's why.


I don't think people aren't getting killed in boxing. I mean, that's why.


I don't think it's gotten killed recently in boxing. I think that's why they see it as a form of entertainment for some weird reasons.


I mean, like, is weird, but.

[Aric Maiden]:

Some people like, that kind of physical thing, like specifically boxing, cause it makes them feel a life.


That's what I mean. That's what, yeah.

[Aric Maiden]:

Like, have you ever considered asking a friend to slap you because just for like the thrill like you're it gets you like adrenaline go and you're like, whoa, you know, I have paid for it.

[Fahad Qureshi]:



No. However.


Hey, wait, wait, wait, wait, hold that thought. Wait, Eric, you mentioned, buddy, you mentioned that you might be the end of our broadcast to tell you about something I saw in, I saw a little bit about something in Japan, it was involves someone snacking somebody.

[Aric Maiden]:


[Fahad Qureshi]:



Is it and it's like allowed? I'll tell you, remind me the end of the broadcast.


It was a little something I heard in the news, okay? Anyway, sorry, I want you that.

[Fahad Qureshi]:

Oh, Eric, I've never had this feeling of wanting somebody to slap me to feel alive.



[Fahad Qureshi]:

God had a feeling of me wanting to hit somebody, Eric. And I'm just joking.

[Aric Maiden]:

Okay. No.


Like I said, I just.


I thought you were talking about the, the weird tortilla slap game that I know that somebody on this podcast has played before.


Oh, that's weird. Yeah.

[Fahad Qureshi]:


[Fahad Qureshi]:

Yeah, I, but it wasn't to like feel alive. Because it was something silly. And it didn't really, and it didn't really like hurt, like boxing hurts, you're bleeding.




Yeah, yeah, yeah.

[Aric Maiden]:



Oh my gosh, she has her nose. Oh, when.

[Fahad Qureshi]:

You know.


Well, this like I was saying, the people people do it for the adrenaline. They enjoy it.


They're making money, but more so than just making money. They some reason, some weird reason, they enjoy it.


Not so much maybe being hurt by but but the rushing field from it, the adrenaline, fun of it to them that it's fun and inspiring to them and because they're not dropping out of it, they're still doing it.

[Fahad Qureshi]:

And going back to what Eric said, Eric, you said some cases it's that they don't have anything else they can do but they feel they so this is their way of making a career.


Yeah. Well, Yeah. Well.

[Aric Maiden]:

I mean, I feel like, I mean, I could be wrong, but I don't think you see a lot of people who you know, have the, you know, have the family background and the opportunity to go to like Ivy League school and then they're like, I'd rather be a boxer.


Yes. Okay, we can play a game.

[Aric Maiden]:

I don't think you see a lot of that.




I don't do that either. I think they go to boxing because they like it. I don't know, I, I don't, I don't know.


I thought it was a different opinion about that. I think they go into the, it's other things you can do if you don't go to college or something like that, you know.

[Aric Maiden]:

But not for everyone.

[Fahad Qureshi]:

Some people they're just good fighters. Yeah, I just.


So Yeah, yeah.


Well, not I still I'm still gonna stick with I think that I don't like the idea of sitting around and watching someone.


Earn points for Punch like the the scene where he snapped her nose back into place. I felt that that was rough


Oh yeah, that was, yeah. Yeah.

[Fahad Qureshi]:

Or when they like in the beginning when they zoom in on the guys cut you know like it's they're not able to and they like zoom in I'm like what are they gonna show us is it gonna burst all over this screen


Yeah, oh

[Aric Maiden]:

I hated it.


And then I then I thought, sorry, I know I'm talking way too much, but. I kept thinking like what is this rule in boxing like how much are you allowed to bleed how much are you not allowed to clean they're gonna call you they're gonna call them the Is it a match around a game?




What is it? A match? A boxing match. They're gonna call it so you lose because God you blood too much Like what?

[Aric Maiden]:

I think it's a you continue to bleed then



[Aric Maiden]:

It's funny, like, have little ways they're trying to keep it to seem safe. Like, oh, we'll have to, everything else.


What is that? Yeah, we're gonna stop. But then I thought, is that because of Injury or because of blood borne pathogens?


It might have to do with also with, well that being hurt physically. For their own health, but also I guess because too much blood coming out, obviously that's not safer.


Contact for other people too, I guess, and all that. I don't know.


Yeah. Well, nothing like the movie. It was then focus on sexual content.


And stuff like that. So that was kinda nice to. See other themes not just sex sex sex all the time.

[Aric Maiden]:

Hmm. Yeah.


I feel like focus too much on that sometimes and it's like, yeah.

[Aric Maiden]:

I really like. Yeah, I really like movies, especially lately that don't have any kind of romantic storyline.

[Aric Maiden]:

Because I'm like, I just. Sorry.


Yeah, yeah, yeah, it's nice to see something that is like just focused on achieving something, a goal, a dream, you know.

[Aric Maiden]:

Especially when it's when there's men in and women in the main cast because it's some I've seen some movies where it feels like Oh, this man and woman are trying to achieve something.

[Aric Maiden]:

Oh, so of course there's a sub plot where they're falling in low Hello? What?


No, yeah, and I agree

[Fahad Qureshi]:

It goes to Washington, Mr. Smith goes to Washington.


Yeah, yeah.



[Aric Maiden]:

Yeah, like they didn't need to be in love, right? At least that was like, you know, 80 years ago.


Yeah. And then. Yeah, yeah. And then, brings bring down the, brings out a mood a little bit, but, the hospital seems hard for me because.


Everything that went from where she was. That's such a paralyzed part, but when she lost her leg and everything, that's what happened my mom.

[Aric Maiden]:



Yeah. When we were in Mexico and I'm trying to be moved down I think it's important to mention this that's what that was hard to watch but yet I watched it even though it was bringing up memories of what happened.


Yeah, basically the same thing that happened in her leg. Had my mom's, while she was in hospital for, for multiple Myoma, all this while we're at the wedding in Mexico and stuff.


So yeah, that was a hard watch. But yeah. Yeah, yeah, so literally, yes. So.


Oh, that must have been really hard for you to, I'm sorry.


So yeah, I definitely. Felt being Frankie's care to be in the hospital watching her.


Go, you know. Watching everything kinda go down, you know, from, yeah, so. And go down being, you know, her quality of life and all this stuff.




So yeah. Oh, but. Yeah, on a lighter note, course, overall I really like the movie.


I like I like a inspiring movie. I know I love all this horror suspense thriller, but this was just kinda like, you know.


Happy turn with that kind of. Crazy plot twist that when I first saw it years ago. I think I was just a shock to those a lot of people.


I was actually reading somewhere where they really kept that part. On the dark. I'm looking for another word.


They kept it on. They didn't avail that part at all. Like, so everyone, a lot of people overall were very surprised at that part.


I wouldn't think it was a boxing movie. Huge plot twist happens or not twist but what's the word called when it's a surprise not only a twist or is it a twist?

[Aric Maiden]:



You're plot choices.


Okay, yeah. So,

[Aric Maiden]:

Yeah, I agree. 2 years later, I still did not know that that was part of this movie.

[Aric Maiden]:



Yeah, yeah. Yeah, so it adds another interesting dimension to the movie as well. So, like I said, some, you know, but like it, you're not gonna like it. I like, I like all that.

[Fahad Qureshi]:

Yeah, I had no idea.




I kind of. Make the movie even this more interesting because it can to me it tied in with the fact that she got to at least like she was saying while on her in the bed.


She got to achieve everything she wanted to achieve. Obviously, we want to achieve more and keep going and rise to the, you know, you know.


To world status, but. I like the fact that at least she had a come up with someone positive spin on everything that she got to travel.


Box and. You know, meet people and, even have a father figure, you know, and Frankie.




Do you think, was it that was it Morgan kind of going on with what you're going along with what you're saying.




Do you think that Morgan Freeman, that I'm sorry, what was his? Character's name.


I feel like I keep calling on that. Brad?


Hi, I forgot his name too. Good gracious. Eddie.



[Fahad Qureshi]:

Eddie, it was at Graph Iron Dupree. Okay.


Okay, well, Morgan Freeman. Well, was he talking? Frank into doing to helping her at the end when he said some people just die mopping or or You know, I forget what other example he gave, but she did what she wanted to do.




So, Yeah.

[Aric Maiden]:

Well, he said if she dies today, I think she would be okay with that.


So he. She did what, yes, she was. So do you think he was kind of saying it's okay if you do this or like this is the That's what I took it as.

[Aric Maiden]:



Like he was kind of giving him permission or saying. It's okay to help her. Anybody else think that or?

[Aric Maiden]:

I think so, yeah.

[Fahad Qureshi]:



Yeah. Yeah.


Yeah, cause I think cause also like, you know, you can't blame yourself forever with when scrap was fighting for him and like, you know.


Oh, for, for like what her, her like. Bill towards her goals of her dreams and stuff like that.



[Aric Maiden]:

Morgan Freeman, I love him. He was great in this movie, but that was another part.

[Aric Maiden]:

Of the movie that's bugged me a bit. They're not just the near the narration as part of it, but you know, there's this trope of the old wise black man.





[Aric Maiden]:

And once you, once you think of it, you start seeing it in movies, like if you rewatch or even new movies and you're like, why are they doing that?





[Aric Maiden]:

Like it's just it's a weird thing to do and people actually talk a lot about how the fact that Morgan Freeman has made an entire career around that kind of part.

[Aric Maiden]:

Being, I mean, Hey, they called.


So he probably likes it, right?

[Aric Maiden]:

Well, I mean, if you get some roles, but it's also, it's a bit awkward.




I like.

[Aric Maiden]:

And he narrates a lot of stuff too. Didn't he? Like one of the Stephen King movies as well, Green Mile or Shawshank, I forget.






And there's a few.

[Aric Maiden]:

And then he plays God and Bruce Almighty.




Yeah. He just has that voice though.

[Fahad Qureshi]:

That you got on the ultimate. Bye.

[Aric Maiden]:

The voice of God.




He played, Nerator type of role and more of a

[Aric Maiden]:

Hi, I'm on.


A controlling kind of role in wanted with what's that guy name It was the main character.


I don't think I've seen that. Wanted? No, no.

[Aric Maiden]:

No, no.


No, I'm not sure.


What do you think about his scene though where he throws that punch? The guy that was was beating up danger.


Oh, Yeah. Wow. Yeah.


You think that scene was necessary or it was just like, I mean, I did. No.

[Aric Maiden]:

He loves it. Wasn't necessary.

[Fahad Qureshi]:

That's what I was, that's what I was talking on the beginning of this. I felt like that whole bit wasn't needed in the overall story and took away from it.



[Fahad Qureshi]:

I said it's cool to see Morgan Freeman lay the smack down one handed. The Mackie's character. I love that, but was it needed?



[Fahad Qureshi]:



Or that whole character of danger was that neat was he needed. Like did he move this story along? He was just sort of like I didn't understand his the point of him.

[Fahad Qureshi]:

But I I think it was needed.


He was just some guy that was there and he desperately wanted to be a boxer but

[Aric Maiden]:

Maybe it's because we don't get boxing. The only thing I think is. Is it?


Yeah, maybe that happens in boxing gyms all the time. I wouldn't know. I don't do they even exist like

[Fahad Qureshi]:


[Aric Maiden]:

Yeah, are they trying to say? Are they trying to say the boxing gym is for all kinds of people who just need a place to be?

[Aric Maiden]:

Feel like they're winning. But other than that, like, I don't know.

[Aric Maiden]:

Yeah. I like the character danger, but I don't know that it was necessary.


I was. I'm sorry, I mentioned earlier it was


And, Angela, Julie, Yeah. Yes.

[Fahad Qureshi]:

So it's funny, I knew the movie you were talking about because when you wanted I was like, oh, Angelina Jolie, but you didn't.

[Fahad Qureshi]:

You said, you know, in that guy and I'm like, guy, I thought, Yeah, James Mackavoy is the guy in that.


James Mcavoy. Yeah, no, Jing's back a boy. That doesn't, yeah.




I don't think it's, I have not seen that.

[Fahad Qureshi]:

I was thinking some other.


You see it's good.


Hey, my thoughts. Yeah, everything was. Yeah, I like this. And, trying to think what else I want to say about it.


Yeah. That thing was really good for us. And Eastwood, you know, you can't beat that level of.



[Fahad Qureshi]:

I've ever seen a Clint Eastwood movie.


Really? Hmm.

[Aric Maiden]:

You guys realize that he not only starred in this movie but produced it, directed it, and this is the kicker.


Okay. Directed it.

[Aric Maiden]:

He wrote all of the music. He schooled. Let's see the movie.

[Fahad Qureshi]:



Oh wow, I did not know that. That's pretty cool.


Oh wow.

[Fahad Qureshi]:

Yeah, I saw that.

[Aric Maiden]:

Like that's a lot of effort for one movie for a 73 year old man to go. There you go.

[Fahad Qureshi]:



Now he is 90 and his kids are taken over. Hit the one that I have the movie star crush on, the mention of a zillion times, got Eastwood, but that's his son.


He's coming up and rising in movies now too. He's good. Oh, and Trivia, his daughter was the little girl in the truck with the daughter with the dog.

[Fahad Qureshi]:

And what?


You say in in the trunk? Hello. Yeah. I'm like for the kidding.




Swuck, truck.


I said the Trump. I was like, what?

[Aric Maiden]:

That was Clint.

[Fahad Qureshi]:

I heard from.

[Aric Maiden]:



That's what happens. We eat with a kit. Oh, sorry. That's, that's, that's, that's, the, you know, panic in your mouth.




That's okay.

[Aric Maiden]:

Yes, Scott.


But. And What? Clint Eastwood's daughter was a little girl. In the truck with the dog.

[Aric Maiden]:

Wow, I see that's interesting because




Oh, okay. That's when she, she waved that.


He's a cute kid.

[Aric Maiden]:

That's interesting because she's kind of young for a man that old to have a daughter, but I had just.


Oh yeah, you're right.

[Aric Maiden]:

I just recently read on Wikipedia that apparently on Wikipedia it says he has at least 8 children.


He's like

[Aric Maiden]:

Because he will not. He will not admit how many he has, but it's at least 8 by many, many women.


You guys.



[Aric Maiden]:

He's had lots of crazy relationships over the years and had lots of children and nobody knows how many he actually has.


It's like all these.


Hollywood gentleman like Al Pacino. Robert De Niro.



[Aric Maiden]:

There is a whole like


Elon Musk.


Mick Jagger, although he's not a Hollywood.


I was the Elon Musk, he's like 9 children too, of all these women.

[Aric Maiden]:

Thank you, was in movies, free Jack. Maybe that I guess those moves like Jaguar, in




Move like Jagger.


Right. Okay, thank you. Well, I appreciate that.

[Aric Maiden]:





Any more thoughts or anything else anybody wanted to add at all?


Oh, I have, yes, trivia, no trivia. Blue bear was Hillary Springs real train coach the one that Paralyzed, there was a real like training coach.

[Aric Maiden]:




[Fahad Qureshi]:



Real life boxing coach for a movie.

[Aric Maiden]:

Hey. There's a bitch real well. And. Gosh, I really like her.


Oh wow.

[Fahad Qureshi]:





You know. Also, I have to say. I like the she is interesting.

[Fahad Qureshi]:



She said about, at 1 point, Maggie's was I think her confidence was waving wavering a bit because she said she said that She's like steel.


You can see, if you saw her, I know, hey, you guys saw what I saw, but she was like, look like steel, May you gonna be able to take this woman out.

[Aric Maiden]:

Oh yeah, I remember that line.


She's, yeah, yeah, she was just. Yeah, so.

[Aric Maiden]:

Well, they foreshadowed. We knew what was coming, right? Cause they foreshadowed the middle of the movie.

[Aric Maiden]:

This boxer, he doesn't, Frankie doesn't want her to fight her because this boxer.

[Aric Maiden]:

You know doesn't follow the rules and is Okay, and that now I know where the issues gonna come from.


Hmm. Yeah.


Yeah, once you saw like you could tell. Good.

[Aric Maiden]:

Yeah, which creates tension in a movie because you're like as the audience you know you're like no don't fight her don't get in the ring don't do it Yeah.


Okay. I know, yeah.

[Fahad Qureshi]:

Don't put those tools there.




What did her nickname mean? And they said it. Now I can't remember. The name, my darling.

[Aric Maiden]:

My darling. Darling.


Oh. Very sweet.


Actually, yeah. Oh, sweet.

[Aric Maiden]:

Very sweet.


Okay, guys.

[Aric Maiden]:

That was that was the scene.


He was such a good father figure. I'm now I have to why was his daughter why did she hate him I have to know

[Aric Maiden]:

I think maybe it's my, yeah, that he refused to train her or something.

[Aric Maiden]:

And she did a big fight about it and just didn't talk again.

[Fahad Qureshi]:

By the way, bit.

[Fahad Qureshi]:

Bit of trivia on the nickname. They actually misspelled it in the movie.

[Aric Maiden]:





Oh, wow.



[Fahad Qureshi]:

Yeah, they left out an H in the





[Aric Maiden]:

Well, I, I think I also read that they mispronounced it. Everyone was saying Mo Kushla, but I think it's supposed to be mohusha like you don't.

[Fahad Qureshi]:

It's supposed to be.

[Aric Maiden]:

You announced the C or something. That's what the internet said to me the brief time.


Who's Gaelic? Correct?



[Aric Maiden]:

So I don't, we didn't talk about this yet, but this movie kind of swept the Oscars.


Oh yeah.

[Aric Maiden]:

It got best picture, director. Supporting actor for Morgan Freeman and best actress for Hillary Swank.

[Aric Maiden]:

So that's pretty impressive.


Oh! Yeah!


Good morning.

[Aric Maiden]:

So I guess because he's got best director, they were like, you can't have best actor too.





[Aric Maiden]:

Because he did just as well as Morgan Freeman, for instance. Especially like at the end when he starts getting more emotional about what's happening and he started me feeling like, oh, you're this, this is a good performance from him.



[Aric Maiden]:

And I also can't remember if I've ever seen him like a whole movie of his, obviously I've seen clips at the wazoo.

[Aric Maiden]:

They always show dirty hairy or all the Westerns he was in but Oh, just a.




Okay. Okay.


I saw, is it, Grand Torino? Is that how it would?

[Fahad Qureshi]:



Hi, Okay.

[Aric Maiden]:

I was seen that.


Is that his movie? I think I saw.

[Aric Maiden]:

I don't know.


Now I have to look it out.

[Aric Maiden]:

But I know a lot of people saw bridges in Madison County when it came out in 95, but I didn't.

[Fahad Qureshi]:

I saw that either. Yeah, Grand Torino, he was in that.


Yes, I saw that.

[Aric Maiden]:

I think I remember my dad watching any which way but loose growing up. Doesn't he have a a pet monkey in that movie.



[Aric Maiden]:



That's fine.

[Fahad Qureshi]:

Did you? He was in Esper.


It was in a lot of Westerns too.



[Aric Maiden]:

Yeah. The outlaw Josie Wales.


I'm sorry.

[Fahad Qureshi]:

He was in Casper, the ghost.

[Aric Maiden]:

You what?


What are you playing Casper?

[Fahad Qureshi]:

I don't know, it said he played Clint Eastwood, uncredited. Maybe they were watching a movie.

[Aric Maiden]:

Oh, weird.


What? I never saw that.

[Fahad Qureshi]:

And he was on the screen in the movie they were watching. I don't know.

[Aric Maiden]:

Yeah, probably.


That the wife's Christina Richie? Okay.

[Fahad Qureshi]:

Yeah. He was in the dead pool.






Oh really? I know that.

[Fahad Qureshi]:

Deadpool, not Deadpool.


That's what I was wondering, I was like, oh, that.

[Fahad Qureshi]:

That's right, Reynolds dead fool.





[Fahad Qureshi]:

But the Deadpool.



[Fahad Qureshi]:

Eric, I am waiting.


Okay. Alright.

[Fahad Qureshi]:

No, no, no, Eric, I'm waiting for you to step in. I said he was in Deadpool, not Deadpool.

[Aric Maiden]:

Oh, I'm sorry. His choice of course.

[Fahad Qureshi]:

Okay, Eric, every time somebody says these something or another always goes to this line from Batman Returns like.

[Fahad Qureshi]:

Every time he does it. Why is he not doing it?



[Aric Maiden]:

It's loved the line. Well, it's Yes, sorry, It didn't. Yeah.


We drop the ball, Eric.

[Fahad Qureshi]:



Alright, okay, it's like Tommy getting 4.

[Aric Maiden]:



We close each episode with the recast game where we each play a casting director and choose a different actor from any era living or dead to portray a character in the film.


Instead, first up is Eric!

[Aric Maiden]:

Okay, so. I've been having a hard time lately with recast because I always feel like I actually don't wanna change anyone.

[Aric Maiden]:

But I decided to do 2 recasts. Because I struggled so hard finding one I did too.

[Aric Maiden]:

No. And I decided to recast her. Maggie's sister. And her sister's baby daddy.

[Aric Maiden]:

I guess is who that guy was. So for the baby daddy, I decided to recast him with Austin Emilio.



[Aric Maiden]:

He plays white on Fear the Walking Dead and The Walking Dead. I don't know.



[Aric Maiden]:

He's got that kind of menacing. Trash thing going on.

[Fahad Qureshi]:

And by the way, that's her brother. It's their brother.

[Aric Maiden]:

Oh really? I thought he was the baby. Okay, so that's your brother. So Austin and Emilio for him and for the sister I thought Let's get somebody who really, really can play the role.

[Fahad Qureshi]:


[Aric Maiden]:

Without even trying and I think that person would be Jamie Lynn Spears.

[Fahad Qureshi]:

Oh Hello.


Oh! Oh

[Aric Maiden]:





Jamie Lindsay, was like, she's an act that well, okay, okay.

[Aric Maiden]:

You know, really mooch off her sister, be trashy. Okay. Yeah.





[Fahad Qureshi]:

That's good. I mean, does that mean Britney is playing the role of Maggie in this movie?





[Aric Maiden]:

I can see her as a fighter. She's Britney's pretty built actually.

[Fahad Qureshi]:

Christina is a fighter.

[Aric Maiden]:

Oh, well, she doesn't have a body type for it.



[Fahad Qureshi]:

No, but I'm just going off the song.

[Aric Maiden]:

I know.


Yeah. Cool. Well, thank you, Eric. Next stop is Takia.


Okay. I chose to recast. The, what was, we're gonna stream.


Freeman's character's name again, sorry. Sir something. Scrap. I's a casting as far as Whitaker.



[Fahad Qureshi]:



I can see him doing that role, the wise old old black man. So yeah. So that's yeah, might be cast.


Okay, Shelley.




Alrighty, so I would recast. Although I agree with you, Eric, that it's hard the main people.


I don't think I would recast, but if I did. I would request Frank with Brian Cranston.


Thank you.




Okay, cool.

[Fahad Qureshi]:

It's like we're making a move. If we're making the movie now, here's who's in it.

[Aric Maiden]:



Thank you.

[Aric Maiden]:

Kelly, that is so funny.

[Fahad Qureshi]:

Or everybody has said somebody that would be in the movie now if it were made.

[Aric Maiden]:

That is so funny because I had the exact same thought. Specifically when he was talking with the priest at the end of the movie about what he should do.


Oh yeah.

[Aric Maiden]:

I remember thinking, cause I was trying to figure out my recast is like you know Brian can't cranston would dip this is the perfect part for him.


Okay. Awesome. Okay, well thank you and Fa. How about you?

[Fahad Qureshi]:

Thanks Ruth. I was going to recast if I were to make the movie today so it fits in with everybody else.



[Fahad Qureshi]:

The character Shorell Barry, the one who beat up danger and then Morgan Freeman beat him up, Anthony Mackey's character.

[Fahad Qureshi]:

I was like, who could be a good boxer that I would really hate? Like who somebody who I already don't like when I see in certain movies.

[Fahad Qureshi]:

I was like, oh, Michael B. Jordan would be perfect to play a box or he like he's already a boxer in Creed already.





[Fahad Qureshi]:

I don't like in the Black Panther movie. So, and in the Marvel family, to replace a marvel with a marvel.

[Aric Maiden]:

Keep it in the Marvel family.



[Fahad Qureshi]:

Anthony. I mean, Michael Beach or.

[Aric Maiden]:




[Aric Maiden]:



Awesome. Well, thank you, and for me. I thought about I kind of had 2 different scenarios, so.


As far as like because I've seen a movie with. Called the fighter with Msaw Rodriguez where she plays a boxer.


It's like one of our very first phones. I thought, well, how like interesting like a complete change, I guess how the movie 5 would be.


Maybe, maybe not. If she played Maggie. And then I thought whether or not it's.


As her other. As the one who's playing. Frankie is plenty of East Twitter net but then I thought well what about He played Frankie.


I thought, well, you know, I love all the rocky movies. So what about, Sylvester Stallone as playing.


As rocky as in the movie though. That that would be pretty cool.

[Aric Maiden]:

It should be Rocky running the gym and.

[Aric Maiden]:

You know, there was a time when I would have said, I don't think Michelle Rodriguez could play the sweet parts of the of Maggie's character, but Fahad, do you remember in anyone else who's seen it?

[Fahad Qureshi]:


[Aric Maiden]:

The resident evil we saw where she was just for a change just playing like a regular woman. And not like the tough sort of butch broad that we usually see her play and we were like a little bit shocked Right.



[Fahad Qureshi]:

There's a sweet and endearing.

[Aric Maiden]:

Yeah, I think I what her character was like a teacher or a mom or something. Is like.

[Fahad Qureshi]:

Oh, I think it was a rebooted character we had seen in the past. They booted her and like she was naive and innocent and sweet.

[Aric Maiden]:

Yes, they had like Okay.


Oh yeah.



[Aric Maiden]:

Yeah, it was just so different from anything else I've ever seen her play. I was like, well, she actually could play that part now.


Oh, cool. I love the diversity with her. And also, Eric, what you're saying with, how Hillary swank just being such a good actress about health.


Great she has up playing different characters and Yeah, but you know jump in the roll like that.


Alrighty guys, well. Hmm. So, next part.





[Fahad Qureshi]:

Sure. It's all good. So it's time to rate the movie every body.

[Aric Maiden]:

Great interest.



[Fahad Qureshi]:

You should know how this works by now. Put in a rating from 0 to 5. You can do quarters, so point 2 5.7 5.5.

[Fahad Qureshi]:

And when you are ready with your rating, give me a thumbs up and then I'll count down from 3 to 0 and on the row of 0 hit enter.

[Fahad Qureshi]:

So put in your rating everybody.






No! Yeah.

[Fahad Qureshi]:

I don't know why I'm putting my thumb up because I'm the one that


That's my bad.

[Fahad Qureshi]:

Everybody is ready. Okay, so on the row of 0 3 2, 1, 0.

[Aric Maiden]:

Here it comes the moment of truth

[Fahad Qureshi]:

I don't see. Ruth or Shelley's? No, I see roots. I see roots.


Okay, sorry. Wait.


Oh, you do? Okay.

[Fahad Qureshi]:

Okay. Okay, I'm good. I'm good. Okay, Shelley, please read to me.

[Aric Maiden]:

Julia, Shelley apologizing for bringing it down.


Alright. Ruth, 4.2 5. Eric, the 3.2 5, Zakiya 5 and B 3.





[Fahad Qureshi]:






[Fahad Qureshi]:

See pretty close for most of the scores in the range. We have an average of a 3.8 5.


That's pretty good. Okay.

[Fahad Qureshi]:

It's very good.

[Aric Maiden]:

I think it deserves.

[Fahad Qureshi]:

I think it's a good score.


Thank you. And I can remember if we mentioned 2 or not. Hillary Swake, she worked out a lot for the movie, obviously.

[Aric Maiden]:



So I think I heard that originally she was told she had to gain 10 pounds of muscle, but she ended up gaining 20 pounds of muscle.


Oh. Oops. She looked it, she looked great.

[Aric Maiden]:




[Fahad Qureshi]:


[Aric Maiden]:

No, Bridge.


Yeah, yeah, he put like in like her, shoulders like back in the picture, the movie picture too.

[Aric Maiden]:

I forgot to mention it, but we were they were talking about in the movie about she's too old to box but when they said that I was a little confused at first because it was like Isn't she like 22? And she's like, 31.


Yeah. Bye. He still does.



[Aric Maiden]:

It's like, what? Because honestly, she looks fantastic. Like. I would totally believe it if she said she was 21.






Yeah, definitely.

[Aric Maiden]:

So I didn't understand how the character of Frankie could read her and think, She's too old for this.

[Aric Maiden]:

Like, wouldn't he have guessed that she was young enough?



[Fahad Qureshi]:

Maybe start, like, you know, you're just starting, you usually need to start.

[Aric Maiden]:

But if she's 21, isn't that young enough to start? Don't you think like if you saw her on the street in 2,004 you'd be like yeah she's young enough to start boxing anyway so I feel like I felt like it was a thing that only characters who had read you know people who had read the script would know she's too old for it and so they're saying that

[Fahad Qureshi]:

I don't know.

[Fahad Qureshi]:

I don't know.

[Aric Maiden]:

she's too old for it is like in reality which you really have thought she was too old. Anyway, he looks fantastic.


No, I wouldn't.


That I'm 31 until until my next birthday. Just thought it was a very 31 till my next birthday was like a week later, right?



[Aric Maiden]:

Oh, they did a lot of time jumps. I think it was like a year or some. Okay.



[Fahad Qureshi]:



It seemed like it was like the next day when they did it.


Oh, what?


One more. Tivia, she. While working out training, she developed a life-threatening step.


Step infection at a blisters on her foot. And she didn't tell Eastwood, it's about infection.



[Fahad Qureshi]:



She thought it'd be ad character for Maggie. Trivia thing last trivia I've read.

[Aric Maiden]:





Yes, it's crazy. The things people do these for these roles. It's like, whoa.

[Aric Maiden]:







No. Hmm.

[Aric Maiden]:

Okay. Now, we're about to end cycle one of season 3.

[Aric Maiden]:

And we have someone to tell us how. Sure.


Is it me? I can talk again. I feel like I haven't shut up. Sorry.



[Aric Maiden]:



Guys, so I am super excited to finish out. This first cycle and to have the fiftieth episode.


And that thing. 50 this year. Or that has turned 50 this year. I'm not exactly sure.

[Aric Maiden]:

That's your main streets, you know, when you said when you said, for your consideration was a movie for a minute I thought Oh, is this your theme?




Released. So my first. Pick from the first Season was Captain Fantastic and that was a film about a family.




A man with 6 kids and what he, how they deal with the the other.


Okay. Oh


And the second season. I picked a 4 year consideration, which is a movie about the making of a movie about a family gathering first for Perim and then for Thanksgiving.


So my third movie. Is a movie about. A man who is I've never seen this movie, so.


I know just a little bit about it and it's a man who is trying to deal with his the juxtaposition of his job.


And his Catholic faith. And so his job is sort of working for a another kind of family. Hey, the mafia family.


So the movie is Main Streets. Bye Martin Scorsese. Came out in 1973.





[Aric Maiden]:

They're all movies.


They're all movies. Oh, they're all about different kinds of families.



[Aric Maiden]:



Nepal. Okay. And Harvey Kitel?




Amongst others.

[Fahad Qureshi]:

Mean Streets.


Anyone seen it?

[Aric Maiden]:





I never, never heard of it.

[Aric Maiden]:

And where is it available?


That is, I, it was on the max and I'm just making sure that it still is.

[Aric Maiden]:

A max.


Is that what it's called?

[Aric Maiden]:

I think, but I thought maybe you.


Each being.


It's. Max. It looks like it is on to be right now.

[Fahad Qureshi]:

For choice, Eric.

[Aric Maiden]:

I bet you is, of course.




Yeah, cool.

[Aric Maiden]:

Green streets. Exquisite, savage, compassionate, and brilliant. Says Joseph. Guyness of News Day.



[Aric Maiden]:

Or said Joseph Gymus of

[Fahad Qureshi]:

No swaying our opinions, Eric.

[Aric Maiden]:

Joseph Guyness says, I mean. I don't know. I don't even know if he's trustworthy.





[Fahad Qureshi]:


[Fahad Qureshi]:


[Aric Maiden]:

He might be dead now. Who knows? Sorry. Does this poster?


Yeah. You never know later.



[Aric Maiden]:

This poster reminds me of rear window just with the like for your risen of the city.




Oh yeah.



[Fahad Qureshi]:

So we'll discuss when we're. Watching it recording after we close this out I guess.

[Fahad Qureshi]:



No. I declare this episode of Old Foghies and Films completed. Thanks for joining us.


You can find us on Facebook and find our Sorry.

[Aric Maiden]:

Can you also, you should probably start by saying, cause it's a awkward just to jump into I declare, but say like, you know, thank everybody for.


All right.

[Aric Maiden]:

Watching and speaking and and then close.


Sorry, I'm a little. Hello. Already all well, thank you so much for talking about the movie, 1 million, dollar baby.

[Aric Maiden]:



I really appreciate everybody's thoughts and contributions. So I declined.



[Aric Maiden]:

You mute again.


I declared this episode of Old Fagies and Films Concluded. Thanks for joining us.


You can find us on Facebook and find our list on Letterbox. Don't forget to leave a comment or I'm sorry.


I'm having a hard time talking. Okay. Uhhuh. I declare this episode of Old Fogies and Films Concluded.

[Aric Maiden]:

You can start out a clear over.


Thanks for joining us. You can find us on Facebook and find our list on Letterbox. Don't forget to leave a comment or review.


Everybody say. KO!



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About the Podcast

Old Fogies & Films
Distilling wisdom from the arts through diversity.
A kooky group of Gen Xers in their 40s discuss films. We're black, white, and Pakistani; gay and straight; men and women; Christian, Muslim, agnostic; with diverse professional and educational backgrounds and varied family and socioeconomic statuses.