Episode 47

Episode 47: TANGERINE

Published on: 30th November, 2023

Sin-Dee Rella has a Prince, but he’s not what you might picture. And technically her romantic rival is the one that loses a shoe. The Fogies got into the holiday spirit, or at least learned to better appreciate what we have, with Tangerine! The movie completes a tasty theme with Aric’s first movies of S1 and S2, A Clockwork Orange and The Fruit Machine.  

Tangerine - dir. Sean Baker - 2015


Welcome back to Old Fogies and Films. Each episode, the members of this panel I'll take turns of sending from the watch and discuss.


Really, you get it by now. There are 5 cars on this crazy train.


Thank you.

[Fahad Qureshi]:







And the best Cabus, Erik. As we noted last time, for the first cycle of season 3, we thought it would be interesting if each of us tried to complete a theme with our first movies from seasons one and 2.


My movies were a clockwork orange and the fruit machine. So this round we watched. Tangerine!




Are you getting this subtle connection I'm making? Okay. I know mine was really hard to find a third.




So, usually it's not so hard to find a third if you're really into that thing, but Anyway, tantering is about one day in the life of several characters who work the street to ballet on Christmas Eve.






The potster is Cindy, a trans sex worker who was released from prison after a month and searches for her boyfriend slash pimp to confront him about cheating on her.


The film is somewhat free form. Using non actors in the lead roles and it was shot entirely on iPhone 5 S's.


I thought maybe I'd ease everyone into the holiday season with this very special Christmas movie. What did you think?


Let's start with the

[Fahad Qureshi]:

Sure. So I don't know if I necessarily label it as like a Christmas movie everybody should watch on a yearly basis.

[Fahad Qureshi]:

So to say that. Fun for the family. No. Yeah.


Okay. Huh. Good luck.


Tradition, new tradition.







[Fahad Qureshi]:

Also, it would be good to put that disclaimer out there if you do watch this. Do not watch it with children anywhere nearby, mainly for what they might hear.

[Fahad Qureshi]:

Less of what they will see, but more what they would hear. So with that said, I'll be honest.

[Fahad Qureshi]:

Starting the movie and when it first started playing I was like, what am I watching? I don't know if I can, I can do this.

[Fahad Qureshi]:

You know, we already gone through this with Tromo and Juliet, What's happening? But.









[Fahad Qureshi]:

Big difference though once I was partway through this movie and then done with the movie and took a step back and thought about what did I just watch.

[Fahad Qureshi]:

It hit me, you know, with Trumia and Juliet. It is just bonkers, right?

[Fahad Qureshi]:

But But, I had to sit and be like, you know what? It's reality. Like.

[Fahad Qureshi]:

This is what it's like for people in certain parts of the country. Certain types of, people themselves, like, they go through this situation.

[Fahad Qureshi]:

Day in and day out. This is their everyday life. And for me to have sit there be sitting there and be like, oh this is ridiculous, it's so outlandish, it's very naive of me to think that.

[Fahad Qureshi]:

And be like, oh, this is a horrible movie because none of this stuff is reality. It is reality.

[Fahad Qureshi]:

That's what's crazy. The movies we watch and we cling to and we appreciate are so polished and that's not real reality like the marble movies the romantic comedies all like everything that we watch and we love that's all So fake that never happens.

[Fahad Qureshi]:

This one was jarring. Because it actually does happen. Though the people aren't polished actors, but they are pretty much being themselves and going through situations that they go through and It's like a raw look in the.

[Fahad Qureshi]:

Life of like people in this part of the country. And so I guess what I'm trying to say is I was very naive in the beginning of the movie while watching it and just jumping to a thought of like, oh, I hate this, I can't get through it, to really taking that step back and being like.

[Fahad Qureshi]:

You know what? This gave you a real glimpse into the real world, which you don't get often even You guys know me in reality TV, right?

[Fahad Qureshi]:

I'm a reality TV junkie. That is not reality either. The majority of Americans aren't millionaires hawking their products on TV fighting with each other over a thousand dollar dinner nights out you know that's the reality TV we watch but that's not raw reality.



[Fahad Qureshi]:

Or akin to like those shows you see on like A and E like parking wars or you know that just plots a camera somewhere and you're seeing what's going on.

[Fahad Qureshi]:

The other part I think that I really appreciated about it was the fact that it was filmed with just an iPhone 5 S.

[Fahad Qureshi]:

I think 3 different ones because it really was like cap it's me just taking a phone and just filming what's going on rather than having these amazing cameras all these angles all this crazy editing just to make it so polished that it all fed into this.

[Fahad Qureshi]:

This is raw. This is reality. And as outlandish as everybody was acting and seen. That's what people can be like and that's what their world is like and It made me, I'm not going to say like I love I'm not saying I loved the movie and I'm gonna watch it every year before Christmas but I appreciated what was being done and what was being portrayed.

[Fahad Qureshi]:

So with that it really just sitting back and taking my self out of it for a moment made me get that appreciation.


Thank you for starting with a little positivity, but I know this is not a movie for everyone.


So. Let's see what it was like for Ruth.


Okay, so. When I first started it too, I was kind of just thinking, oh, you know, trying to figure out what was going on too.


And I was like, gosh, but part of me was I don't know if I'm just Good funny or something like that at first.


I was like, gosh, there's a lot of cussing and stuff. I'm that person, I guess.





[Fahad Qureshi]:





It took me a little while to kind of get what was going on and everything as far as like. What the main plot was just because I knew it kind of.




Obviously you know there were kind of Working, but also trying to get. Figure out what's going on as far as with.


Cindy's me and all that but Chester. That's right.



[Fahad Qureshi]:

We're on Chester just quick question. Did anybody recognize him without looking him up?


Oh wow, why you do that? I was gonna say that. That's my thing. Yeah, I found out a little bit later who he was.


Got it.

[Fahad Qureshi]:

Eric, did you recognize it?


No, but I


I didn't recognize him while watching, no.




But I was attracted to him and so this makes sense.

[Fahad Qureshi]:

So for those listening. So for those listening, he's detective so and so from the sinister movies.


But he's, but he's also Eddie, yeah, to you.


Oh wait, also he's

[Fahad Qureshi]:

Oh yeah, yeah, yeah, yeah.


Okay, I know go ahead, Eric. Oh, it's okay. Yeah, he's in, it chapter 2 is, Eddie's Castra.




I was gonna let you say it.

[Fahad Qureshi]:

Yeah. More recently, yeah.


Yeah, but Takia, he's also to key, he's also even hawks a brother in the black phone.






You love the black phone, right?



[Fahad Qureshi]:



What's the one with that really? Oh yeah, that scary looking dude that comes on.


Whoa! I did not know that. Thank you. Wow.


Totally. That's what my head were there. I mean, I didn't realize that.




Right, but we were interrupted you with what else?

[Fahad Qureshi]:



That's okay. I like it when people kind of are able to add that kind of information because I felt like I kind of knew who like recognize them but I couldn't but I couldn't place it so but yeah, so anyways just kind of going along with that.


Kinda yeah, I mean again kind of just seeing How the life is and everything and. Kind of surprised and not surprised, I guess, of The main clientele, I would say.


Except for the one guy. I was just thinking the Armenian man that likes Sandy, the thing that made made me was confusing to me was How did he make all the money to support his house?


Yeah, that was a nice house. I remember.


His family and everything.


Hmm. Yeah.




And he


I think the wife worked too though because didn't the mother-in-law say she came here to watch the babies so that they could both work.


But then, but then separately the wife said he's the only one working to support this family. So.








Oh wow.

[Fahad Qureshi]:



But maybe she maybe they did say maybe they said she has money, but then I don't know if it would have been just like.


Her like made me like made in sides of the family if she had originally had fun. Yeah, well, I mean, as her being as like a I made.

[Fahad Qureshi]:

Very excited with the family.


The woman, the woman, the

[Fahad Qureshi]:

I was like, did anybody catch my joke or it said to me inside of the family?




No last name on this recording. I'm posting about it all the time. So my last.



[Fahad Qureshi]:

I was not to say hello.


Yeah. Okay, it took me a minute too.




Oh, I just got that. It didn't.

[Fahad Qureshi]:



By the way, I love, you know how I feel about animal print clothes, but I love my mother-in-law shows up the donut time and she's wearing the animal print but so is Cindy and Cindy says you can hear her say in the background.



[Fahad Qureshi]:


[Fahad Qureshi]:



That's a cute fucking blouse. Yeah. And then I think Alexandra says, I think you shop at the same store or something like that.






Oh, that, yeah, yeah, that was fun.

[Fahad Qureshi]:



Yes. Doing it.




That was my favorite scene of the whole movie. Just everything.

[Fahad Qureshi]:



Well, here's a little background for you before we before we move on. Apparently donut time was like the, the inspiration for this movie.


The director Baker had like that he knew donut time really well from his time living in West Hollywood I guess or near there and and he when he wanted to make a movie this kind of movie he wanted that to be a focus point that place.


So they had to find different like other kinds of locations for some of the other places, but He had he needed this to be in donut time.


So it's like a real place and apparently this kind of stuff really does happen outside. Or is it?


Oh my gosh, I can imagine, yeah.




Yeah. So what else? Yeah.

[Fahad Qureshi]:

Maybe we should take a field trip.


Don't at time.



[Fahad Qureshi]:

All the time was Hollywood. Let's go.


Well, I guess also is that how those the 2 Cindy and her friend how great a friends they were but then unfortunately you kind of find out that the worst that someone had kind of.




The trust and friendship and cheated with a Well, would you unravel to to be like, oh, their feet like that's her, his fiancee and then, you know, but.

[Fahad Qureshi]:

I'll be honest, I was a little and disappointed that Alexandra betrayed Cindy like that.


Me too. You're feeling what I was gonna say.



[Fahad Qureshi]:

Yeah, I was like, Sorry, but I was just like she's the stand-up person like I'm rooting for her and it's like, wait, what did you do?


I know.



[Fahad Qureshi]:



Yeah, it was awful, but




We just talk about how the 10, I'll say it on my turn.

[Fahad Qureshi]:

Good for it. Yeah, where are you doing it?




Just gonna say that. That, Cindy, Kidnapped Dina, she just kept her with her and like that was like it they just kept her I kept wanting, I kept feeling so bad for, I'm like, get out of there, get out of there, but she's sort of.

[Fahad Qureshi]:



That was, yeah.

[Fahad Qureshi]:

There were so many moments.


Joined or on their little, their trip.

[Fahad Qureshi]:

Yeah, there's so many moments like when they're on the bus in public like just say happy help me




Yes or when they were in that, the place where, Alexandra was singing.

[Fahad Qureshi]:



I kind of thinking with DINNER that I was like, I know.


Good luck. Good luck.


And the waiter came over, the waitress came over and was like. Can I get you something to drink?


If she could've said she kidnapped me. She beat me.

[Fahad Qureshi]:





The normal day for Diana. So.

[Fahad Qureshi]:



Yeah, yeah.


Was Diana? She was, I guess that was a . That I guess was that Lady that answer the door like the house mom or something or the




She's like.

[Fahad Qureshi]:

It's like a brothel, right?


Yeah, something like that, I guess.


It was an interesting setup.

[Fahad Qureshi]:

It was very, I was confused for what was going on.


That broke my heart when she goes there at the end and she's like, we got a full house in here.


You gotta go.


But you




Cause she probably uses that place to sleep too. She probably doesn't live anywhere else. That's what happened to China.


Yeah, that's, Yeah.




It was, that was definitely sad, but then I'm like, she was only out for like a day, so then I'm thinking, you know.


That's pretty quick to kinda. Yeah, that's true Good, I keep up with the with the demand.


Business has to keep on going.




Girls just waiting for a place in that flop house. that, was one of my favorites too.




I like that woman who runs it, but also just because it was so chaotic, but the best part was it was one of, there's a few places in this movie where I laughed out loud and one was when that guy finally comes out of the bathroom after all that madness and he says Do you want me to call the cops?


He's like, yeah, an idiot for you. Okay.


Thank you.

[Fahad Qureshi]:

Yeah. Okay.


Okay. Yeah.


My favorite part was, when they were there outside on the, on the street after everything Chester and Dina and Cindy were smoking.




Started talking about aliens and I like the government, the government knows that they're aliens.

[Fahad Qureshi]:





And then,'s like I'm with her and then Cindy's like, yeah, I know you're with her.




That made me laugh. That was funny.


Yeah. That's so ad-libs to me. Like I think I think James Ransom was doing the acting thing, but, you know, because these other people are not.


I think she just said that and he's like, I walked into that today.

[Fahad Qureshi]:

Oh, that's a good point though. I was curious how much of this movie was script that they're memorizing lines or they're kind of given a topic or whatever like hey this is what you guys are doing take the next 10 min and just talk and do you know just do your normal thing.


Yeah, yeah.





[Fahad Qureshi]:

Yeah, it just seemed very. Natural in an unnatural way. I don't know how to explain it.




Yeah, yeah, yeah.


Yeah, I wasn't sure if that was Okay.

[Fahad Qureshi]:

It didn't feel like I was like, somebody actually sit here and write these words.


Not a screenwriter like writing it out just come. Okay.

[Fahad Qureshi]:

Yeah, like how many apps am I gonna put into this one sentence, you know?


I am I actually going back to what you were talking about about being disappointed with Alexandra for cheating with Chester for cheating with Chester and for her best friend Cindy.






I actually thought like that James Ransom might have been sort of clued in by the director to sort of throw.


Like something wild out there and that and that he chose to say that she slept with me too while you were gone and I cause I don't know something about it felt like.


Partly Alexandra wouldn't do that, but also like we just need you know to make some drama here so Hey, she slept with me and then you just kind of is a yes and kind of improv thing.


Like she's got to go with it now. Like really? Okay. Okay.


There you go.




Did anyone else, sorry, notes on my turn yet, but I'm just going to do this out there.




You thought she was going out to all this trouble to find him, Cindy was, and then you see him and you're like that.


That's what all this drama is about. I wasn't impressed.




Yeah. Hi.


I thought the exact opposite when it when it turned up to be because I the whole movie I'm winning like I wonder who this Chester person is.


Yeah, yeah.


As soon as he showed up, was like, okay, I do it.


No, I didn't think it was very attractive at all.


Oh, I didn't. I did not feel that way.

[Fahad Qureshi]:

But I think. I think it's, well, I think it's less of if he's an attractive person.


Okay. Hey.

[Fahad Qureshi]:

Oh, stand alone. I think it's the image that's been built up of who this powerful Chester Pim kind of guy is.


But yeah.



[Fahad Qureshi]:

So you're thinking this big kind of like, and then he's funny, Jake's ransom, you know, ransom.


Yeah, yeah, yeah, exactly. Been muscular, man. Yes, yes.




Little, little, little.

[Fahad Qureshi]:



It was a big let down in that sense, but then I guess I'm just don't have to think it's just being the.




What do you call the token lesbian and being like, well, he has no appeal anyways to me, but in that respect, but.

[Fahad Qureshi]:

It's like expecting Chris Hemsworth and you get Kevin Federline.


Yes, that's a good comparison. So I'm a imagine Kevin Federline to be like




Go on, that's a good one. Yes.


Okay. You listen to this. Pay no mind to them. You are.


I, Big it.


A mess.

[Fahad Qureshi]:

Again, I'm not saying it's due to his standalone attractiveness. I'm just saying in compared to what they're building up.




He did a good job. Acting.


He did.


Oh, I was expecting him to be. Be very handsome and he was not. But yeah, I know you all are saying.

[Fahad Qureshi]:

And Ruth is going to be opposite of what I was trying to make a point of but.


But as she pointed out, she's the lesbian. Okay Shelley it is your turn Shelley go ahead





[Fahad Qureshi]:



I mean, You


Okay, now it's an alternative. So I have a lot of mixed feelings about this movie at first.


I, my Puritan, repressed Catholic side came out and I was like, oh my gosh, I can't be watching this.


But, and then I got I have a soft spot for Like movies about friendship relationships And then I thought the ending was sweet between Alexandra and Cindy.


I, you know, of course I'm disappointed that Alexandra cheated on. With Chester, but When she gave her her wig, it just like, I just.


Then they were just talking. You could tell that they really had a bond, a relationship. So I really, really like that part.


And then, also there were several parts, especially the scene at the


Donut time, is that what it's called? My brain just, it left my brain. That was hilarious.




The whole thing. It was just like it kept getting more and more absurd. And I really liked that.


And Dinah was the kind of character that I loved to hate. Like she was so hateable, but I still just enjoyed watching her.


Character. So I enjoyed this movie more as it went along and then finally by the end that kind of felt It was just like, it made me sad.


Just really like a felt for. Everybody, it's just, just. Sad.




Brought up a lot of feelings. I was I was felt like crying at the end when Just them talking.


Like their lives.

[Fahad Qureshi]:

But I think it's that rawness, right? Of like, this is their reality. It's just in the situations they're in that they try to make the best of what they have but Like even like somebody as sweet as that we think of as sweet as Alexandra.



[Fahad Qureshi]:

She is a sex worker. She's getting in the guy's card. And like, and she's willing to beat the guy that was one of my favorite parts, which is like, you're forgetting I also have a leap.



[Fahad Qureshi]:

And she was threatened to beat the guy down. Like, you know, But it's like, you know, but you know, all these humorous moments, heartfelt moments, but then it's in this world of just, you know, sadness that people like that's their lives and but.


Okay. That was funny. That was funny.


Yeah. I what?

[Fahad Qureshi]:

It make the most of it, you know what they can.


Let me


I just thought of another funny part when they were getting doughnuts when he said, okay, we'll get donuts and he's like it's Christmas we should at least get the Christmas, the Christmas themed ones.

[Fahad Qureshi]:





You forgetting in the movie that it's Christmas time until he walks by like Christmas lights and they're like, oh, okay.



[Fahad Qureshi]:

Or when like


Where the date comes across, where she kept saying, what time is it? What time is it? And they point up to the like the scrolling.




Time and it said December 20 fourth at 708 pm something like that

[Fahad Qureshi]:

Oh yeah.

[Fahad Qureshi]:

The funniest part of with that is when Razmik was kicking the really drunk guys out of his cab after Bob, did you laugh during that?


Oh my god, that was so awful.


Oh yeah, I thought that was very funny. And you know, one of those guys.

[Fahad Qureshi]:

Eric Loves vomit.

[Fahad Qureshi]:

Who is it? Yeah. Oh, I'll have to look that up.


The one who vomited everywhere is from Glee.




Which one?





[Fahad Qureshi]:

Okay, I'll have to look that up, but when he was thrown down, he's like, come on, man, it's Christmas Eve.

[Fahad Qureshi]:

And, you know, I then I was like, oh, it's crazy because it's like beautiful bright and sunny outside and think it's like, oh yeah, it is Christmas Eve.

[Fahad Qureshi]:

Okay. I felt bad parasmic then. I was like all that vomit in his car.




That's true.


By the way.


Oh, I know, how awful.

[Fahad Qureshi]:

Cab drivers must have to deal with that all the time, especially


And then let me kick the woman out of his cab. It's like you don't have what I want.


By the way.





[Fahad Qureshi]:

I love, I love that scene because I'm sitting there and when he's like a little confused I'm like, oh, he thinks she's trans.


Get out of here. You're disgusting.



[Fahad Qureshi]:

I'm like, because that first was like, she can't be there's no way she and then when he's like is it talked like where is it?




I love you, he goes looking for it like. Trying to figure out what's happening. Like, I don't understand this world right now.



[Fahad Qureshi]:

Where's the one?



[Fahad Qureshi]:

But then he was he's like you shouldn't be on this quarter this is not your territory


So the point was that he's basically Exploring his like his gay side he didn't want


I don't think


He had a preference. He had a preference.

[Fahad Qureshi]:

I, yeah, I think there's a work.


He just really likes going down on trans.

[Fahad Qureshi]:

I think it's a fetish that men who might identify a straight have is that, you know, it's there with the woman, but there's that.


But just

[Fahad Qureshi]:

Interesting aspect that's there with them. So it might not feel as gay as being with a man would feel.


I thought he was a gay man and secret, but like an actual gay man, married a woman. That's what Really?

[Fahad Qureshi]:

No, I, I think he's Yeah, I think he has a fetish for trans people, but I think He's with his wife like legitimately, but has the side fetish that he likes to indulge in.


No, I think you just had a preference.


Hmm. I've read it differently. Okay.


Any, he left, he seemed to care for his wife and he loved his daughter.

[Fahad Qureshi]:

I loved when his mother-in-law and don't, sorry, we're keep on saying this.

[Fahad Qureshi]:

Is it called, I love when the mother-in-law is like on the phone with her daughter.




Don't it?

[Fahad Qureshi]:

Come here. He's here with gay prostitutes.








They're all men.

[Fahad Qureshi]:

They're all men.




Oh man, what?


And what did they say about his wife's hair like your poodle hair? Like what did they?




They insulted her. Get her a better haircut. I think they said something like that.


I love her.


It's fun, yeah.


I thought it was




By the way, we've already moved on, but that kid who threw up in the cab. They actually gave his character a name and it's the best name of any character I have ever seen in any movie ever.


What's that?


They, they, which are both names for throwing out.


What's the?






Oh, okay. What's that? Okay.

[Fahad Qureshi]:



And there's like no reason to give him a name because I don't think they were saying like who cares but


Yeah, he didn't need a name.

[Fahad Qureshi]:

Okay, and this guy, he's like. He plays like bit parts and like everything.




Well, that's the weird thing about this movie is that, Going into it, I kind of thought No one here is actually an actor.


I mean, the way it's filmed and the way everyone does their scenes, it feels like these are just people pulled up the streets to play this part.


And that is true of the 2 main characters, but there are, you know, like James Ransom, their actual.


Accomplished actors in some of the other roles but the way they're playing them they seem just like regular people out on the street too.


And including those drunk people really seem to drop. And that vomit, you know, I love vomit any time.


I laughed hysterically whenever anybody vomits. It's just always so unexpected. You never, you never really see it coming until it's already happening.


But anyway, so Shelley, do you have anything else to add?


No, I think that's those were my impressions of it. My first impressions, I'm sure I'll have more to say.


Yeah, we can jump in. When to Keith says some interesting things. Take it away.




Now you have to say interesting things to, cause I've set you up so. Yeah. Okay.


Oh really?

[Fahad Qureshi]:

Good just says she's got her notes. She's pulling them up.




I don't know, having really interesting, may come up later. I know I, felt like the first 20 min of it did I did get by Trump Trump trauma vibes and I was like I'd rather Have a needle in my mind and tell you watching this thing what in the hell am I?


Did I am I there and have a see here. So yeah, I was. It's funny, I like.


Urban, you know, like I like. Like Ross, you know, sentiment stuff that this like, you know, that is, showing like real life when not but this kind of came off like I said really Well, 2.


It was like start out at least for me 2 ratchet 2. What I say too hot trash like yeah Yes.


Ratchet and hot trash. Okay, it's going on the back.


Yeah. I like. I don't know, it just it was I think with all the you know every other word was MF MF and she's just walking around a little, little panty, ziss and that and cussing people out.


It is turning off. Like I, I almost was like, I don't want to watch this.


And then I said, it's like, I was saying, like you were saying. As a watch, I see, okay, this is, this is.


Life portrayed through a you know African American or black trans, sex workers. I never, you know, you don't, see, see, movies about this, you know, about that aspect of your life and on their inner city.


So. I did kinda start appreciating your story later on. And there was, I can see there was more of a story there, you know.


And then I like the kind of the parallel with the cab driver and he's just sporing his sexuality or fetish or whatever.


And it's seen that he, you know. Living a double life and his wife kind of knew but Didn't know I thought, but didn't know that since you knew something was going on, but kept it.


I think what it was something she said about how she, That's our fear. Yes. Yes.


Sometimes your wife has to turn a blind eye.

[Fahad Qureshi]:

She said he's bringing home the money like he's. Making a little bit.


Yes, yes, which is really sad to me, but you get that does happen in real life as well, you know, that's some people's reality.


So yeah, but don't think what else I had.


So yeah, so I went from like. Oh no! All right, I wanna throw the TV out the window.


I can't watch this anymore. Just burn my eyes to like, like, the, like, yeah, did 2, okay, actually this is.


Interesting story, friendship and whatnot. And there's, you know, a little beef.


Beef in the story there, you know. I, thought was has said it was Christmas time and they were not with their families.


And the sex work doesn't have families to go home too. So that was sad to me. Is this a story we're on as well?

[Fahad Qureshi]:

They are their family.


All these people are doing these. Yeah, yeah, We need, yeah, we're sort of sitting in front of a Christmas tree in a warm house.


Just they cheat. But.


You're kind of like out. They're doing their, you know, the prostitute thing and it's like, I don't know, this.


Little sad but I know that I guess that everyone has a warm house to go to with a Christmas tree as like you said that's their family that the the I guess the sex prostitute community evidence like their family their friendship whatever but I don't know.


And yet, and yet Rosamic left his warm house with the Christmas tree to go to donate time on purpose.




Yeah, he had a nice tree.




Okay, this is easy. This is where I'd rather be.

[Fahad Qureshi]:



That's fine. That's why, that's why, that's why you was a gay man and, you know, the Heidi has having a secret life outside his wife because who leaves us.


Why leave Christmas even as tree and his family to go get his jollies on? Like you said.

[Fahad Qureshi]:

You could, you could, you could be right. It could be that he is a gay man suppressing his urges.



[Fahad Qureshi]:

So his only way of exploring where he can. He can be okay with it in his head is to be with the trans person.




That's what I see. Yeah, but it's up to everyone.

[Fahad Qureshi]:

I think, yeah, it could be any which way.


Yeah, they don't really. Get into that, they just.



[Fahad Qureshi]:

Yeah. Oh, I did find it to your point about them. You know, it's Christmas Eve.





[Fahad Qureshi]:

They're not with their families. I think that's where it hits more than like Alexandra's scene where she's singing and stuff.

[Fahad Qureshi]:

It's like like the vulnerability that she's showing and everything and it's like, you know, yeah, this it is a different life that they're leading and this is her Christmas Eve.




Yeah, I was not clear why she paid the club to sing. She really wanted to be out there in this in the limelight that badly.


Like what was that about? Like she just really wanted me. Yes. Wasn't really one to perform, okay.


Okay. And no one's gonna get.


Just wants to perform maybe?




She obviously wants better things for her life, right?


Yeah, yeah.

[Fahad Qureshi]:

Yeah, cause I was gonna say to your earlier point to Kia about, you know, every other like word is the F bomb being dropped and all.

[Fahad Qureshi]:

It was mainly Cindy. Who like every other word was the F bomb. So that's one thing I did like, you know, that threw me off at first as well.

[Fahad Qureshi]:

Like while watching was like, wait, no, it that's all they're saying. But then I was like, wait, I'm kind of saying, I'm saying that's all they're saying, but it really was mainly Cindy who's dropping a dropping it, not all of the characters were doing it.

[Fahad Qureshi]:

And that's what I was like. There are people like that. That literally every other word is the F-bomb.


Yeah, I know.



[Fahad Qureshi]:

It's annoying because it's like find other ways to express yourself. It takes the power and the impact of that word, completely away.





[Fahad Qureshi]:

Like when Chester was doing it too, I'm like. The effort means nothing at this point, cause you said it because.


Of course.




Okay. Yeah. Yeah.

[Fahad Qureshi]:

Nice. Yeah. But like, I, I don't feel like Alexandra dropped it as much as like Cindy did.


They're perfect for each other.




That she did. Yeah.

[Fahad Qureshi]:

So I feel like it was more of a character trait versus a movie trait.


Yeah, and then it was interesting seeing Chester's character, well, you know, the guy that played him and the guy and what's his name, Eddie Kasper.


I got your passport is a straight laced guy with this little PIN is little desk and all and And he's just sending it to like a little, you know, little punk bug sitting up in the donut shop.


I guess, you know, you know, about the personality of actors and all that was really cool seeing that like, oh, kinda doing this, something different there from Straight L's Eddie to this little.


Yeah, you know, I never recognize him. Fahad, you can testify to this. Every time he shows it, he's like, that's that's stuff he said like the last time it happened I was like no it's not and it was and it's like okay I don't know why I never I always like him but somehow I don't recognize it.



[Fahad Qureshi]:

Yeah, there was something recently and I was like, hey, that's them. And you're like, no.



[Fahad Qureshi]:

And I was like, yeah, that's him. I can't remember what it was, but.


Oh, it was a it was VHS 85

[Fahad Qureshi]:

Oh yeah, he was in that, wasn't he? You said that.


It's the cop in the train show. Segment where you take show the kill, they happen.


. You're like

[Fahad Qureshi]:

Yeah, he was, yeah, the bad, I guess is what I'll say. Yeah. Spoilers.


At that, the killer dad. What?


Okay. Hmm.

[Fahad Qureshi]:

That's all I said was bad, Dad, but. Yeah, so and so.


Oh, what?


Yes, you remember that? You watch VHS 85 with us, right? So.


Yes. Hey, James Ranson's, I don't remember. We'll have to go back and, and, and one else we want to add, the, I, you want to add, the, I mentioned I said something about.

[Fahad Qureshi]:

He wasn't that.


I was watching Creek this weekend and I mentioned that the guy, the doctor, and they marketed you class.


You know, his brother produce movies, they're actors and producers, they produce Tangerine.

[Fahad Qureshi]:

Yeah, that's crazy. Cause I'm watching the morning show right now and he's one of the main characters in the morning show.


Or yeah.



[Fahad Qureshi]:

So what I was just reading up on it and I clicked on I was like, that name looks familiar.

[Fahad Qureshi]:

I was like, whoa, that's what's his name, Chip.


Yeah. Okay.


Is mother, his brother Jay is also an actor and he was one of the main characters on Transparent, ironically.


Isn't that amazing though, like actor or writer producer? Good Lord, do all that. It's so cool.


Yeah, they're very talented.

[Fahad Qureshi]:

And this isn't the kind of, this isn't the movie you would think would be attached.


No, a trans sex worker and then he makes his movie about this crazy guy in a woods like whoa, what those 2 things will make don't make sense how they mix but Okay.

[Fahad Qureshi]:

But I love the open mindedness that people have to touch all these different topics too.






I think, I think the duplex brothers in this case weren't really, I don't think the duplex brothers in this case weren't really, I don't think they had much interest in what kind of movie got made.


Yeah, yeah.


The story I heard is that years before or sometime before they had reached out to this director and said that they would be willing to give him some a micro budget if you wanted to make a point and so after a bit of time Sean Baker the director called them back and say does that offer still stand there like sure does so they just gave him a hundred $1,000 which is all he had to make this movie and he just did the




movie that he wanted to make. I was like, that's pretty cool. And the booby made like 8 times that.




I mean, you know, it didn't get huge and it didn't cross a million, but if you only spent a hundred $1,000 on it, that's pretty incredible and and it's got so much a claim too so that's good for your career.


That's very good.


Why do you think, where do you think the title comes from?




I was gonna ask if you guys figured that out.


I did not.


The little, little fruit in hanging in the red resume window.



[Fahad Qureshi]:

Is it? Okay, I was, I didn't catch that.




The air freshener and Alexandra gives him from the car wash. The air freshener that Alexandra gives it from I saw it briefly in the dark.


Oh, in his, in his.


Did she get you? Oh, okay.

[Fahad Qureshi]:



I was like, oh my gosh, I think those are tangerines. That's why. So it that was like the only Christmas gift that really got given on this holiday.


But what the heck does it?

[Fahad Qureshi]:





Yeah, yeah.


But what does that had to do with the movie, the tangerines? I mean, how do you guys interpret that?

[Fahad Qureshi]:

I think to Eric's point, it's like a symbol of the gift and like. This odd kind of friendship like yeah he's bigger but There is a there's a relationship there.






Yeah, they have. Fondness for each other because she said to him like this is the best part of the day like when they see each other.



[Fahad Qureshi]:

Like there's a familiarity like. Yeah. Like he ran into her.


That's, yeah. It just spend money on that too. She's a little expensive.

[Fahad Qureshi]:

And he got his car cleaned.




That's actually,


They kinda close when the workers at the end came up. To start drying the car was


Yeah, I don't think a car washes long enough for me to really enjoy my especially not if I'm paying for it.

[Fahad Qureshi]:

Okay. But you're right, like they were, I was like, wait, that guy's standing right there.

[Fahad Qureshi]:

Like you can, they probably didn't care.




But I was gonna say. That's kind of my. My verdict on the whole movie is that It's all these people, they have very complicated relationships and it's very chaotic and a lot of times it seems like they have very complicated relationships and it's very chaotic and a lot of times it seems like they don't really like each other and they don't treat each other well.




No, they probably did not care.


but in little ways they are each other's family and they're all like really tightly connected and sometimes they treat each other really well and and so it's easy on the face of it to just watch a movie and say like these this is a bunch of trash people I can't why am I watching this I don't wanna see this like they they curse too much and they have no morals and blah blah blah but


that's not really like you're not looking at the fact that you know it's crisp.


It's I think it's so specific that it's set at Christmas. It should be, for a lot of other people, it's completely different.


It's a big contrast like a


Holiday but for them this is their Christmas and this is about as good as it gets but in it's just enough to get them through.


Cause I was gonna say there's like there's a couple of moments like her Alexandria giving him the gift of the air freshener.




It's just a simple thing, but it's nice. She didn't have to do that.


He's just a John. There was also the fact, you know, she dragged Dinah, Cindy Drag to Dina all over the city and really like abused her.


But then at 1 point they're in the bathroom. Alone they're sharing drugs and she's just doing Donna's makeup and they're just it's like a friendship has started.




It's so bizarre. And then at the end, the fact, you know, Cindy has every right to really hate Alexandra at that moment, but they both share something in common like a life that they're living and so the moment she gives her her wig because she knows Cindy.


It's really uncomfortable not having her hair. I was like, that's really beautiful, you know.


What did they throw on her bleach?


The P.


You're in. I know. Yeah, there was a lot of it's a very realistic movie too because some of the things that some people say including Diana, Diana got really homophobic when she found out.


Oh, gross.



[Fahad Qureshi]:


[Fahad Qureshi]:

Oh yeah.


That Chester was in was you know engaged to send he's like oh I'm not even repeated but it Oh god, I think Diana, gosh, come on.


Oh yeah, yeah. I said some awful things. She's not very nice. There's Not very much.




She's a


Hiness coming from or like when they were talking about Alexandra singing She was really, oh, so you're saying that you pay them to sing?




I'm going to tell you as a seer myself.


I love I know I love that whole bit where she's like, I know some people in the business.


And it was like, oh my gosh, Yeah.


It's in the

[Fahad Qureshi]:

Crazy, she might actually know some people in the business, you know, like in our line. Who knows our client?


Thank you.


Blow some people in the business.

[Fahad Qureshi]:

Yeah, who our clients could be.






Did you guys, did you guys get when, Alexander was in the car with that guy who wasn't gonna pay her.


She said, what do you what do you want? What can I do for you today? Did you hear what he said?


He said. BBBJ, it took me like a full minute before I was like, okay, I think I know what that means.

[Fahad Qureshi]:

I don't think I know what the BB.




I don't know what that is.

[Fahad Qureshi]:

I don't know if it's safe for say for podcast either.




It's bareback blow job because he didn't want to wear a condom.




Thank you.

[Fahad Qureshi]:

But he wasn't, he didn't have enough money for that, so. Or much at all.








But yeah, in general. Just to wrap up my feelings on it. I thought it was very interesting, a very interesting movie.


It was a little, a little chaotic and unstructured for me, but it had just enough structure that I was able to latch onto it and enjoy that.


And eventually sort of get into the characters, they're all very unique. But, I thought it was so strange.


It's kind of like a cinema veritate thing. It's almost like reality television.




Like Pahad said. Except that they even though it was shot an iPhone they do manage to get some really interesting shots and stuff in there like when he's following them through the city you know there's a lot of like big pannings and and I was like this is very interesting to watch a movie that feels like it's just reality but this kind of direction is happening.


And then, and there were moments where I left. I don't know how much of it was at, but Alexandra had a couple of moments where she responded in a way that was like perfect comic timing.


And she did win an award. I can't remember who was Independent Spirit Award or maybe another.


But they, they promoted these were these 2 actor actresses were the Well, we should call women actors.


I mean, I don't know why we call them actresses. It's kind of silly.


Except to differentiate between the awards at the Oscars but this was the first time that there had been a major campaign at the Academy Awards for 2 trans women.


So, that was pretty interesting. Apparently, Cindy, the woman who played Cindy, her name is, Katana Kiki Rodriguez.

[Fahad Qureshi]:



She I guess actually, you know, surprisingly in comparison to the character she played doesn't really like the spotlight didn't really want to be in so she didn't even she was not money for an award.


At independent spirit, I think. And didn't show up because she's she wanted to be there.




I was like, that's very interesting. Think that she'd be like all about it. But she hasn't done anything since.


However, the woman who plays Alexandra. Maya, Taylor, she has done things since then.


Including working with some bigger names. So the whole thing was very, it's certainly a unique movie.


I've never seen anything quite like this. I've seen some things similar, but they were done more as like parody or camp.


And this was like straight up real.


So I did enjoy it. I don't know. I couldn't tell, like most of you had some good things to say.


So I take that as a win. I don't know on the whole how many of you enjoyed watching Okay.


Oh, the whole entire, well, I mean, overall I would. Say, I enjoyed it. I didn't enjoy the first.


Little bit but then once I got into it

[Fahad Qureshi]:

Yeah, I was like, yeah, the first like, 20 min was a little tough for me to get into, but on the whole, overall I would say I enjoyed it especially the more we talk about it and like I realize like there were a lot of funny moments or on interesting moments we're all breaking them up so I will say compared to maybe some other movies that we had similar reactions to in the beginning.


I'm good.

[Fahad Qureshi]:

We kind of kept that reaction throughout the entire movie and maybe our conversations weren't as in depth as they are with this one.

[Fahad Qureshi]:

So I think, yeah, you should take that as, yeah, which you wouldn't think, right?


Yeah. Yeah.


Oh yeah, for sure. There's a lot to talk about with this one.

[Fahad Qureshi]:

On the surface, you would think like this movie is exactly what it shows you. But as we're talking about, there's little more stuff as you peel it back, you're like, oh.

[Fahad Qureshi]:

Cause one thing I was gonna bring up is it also highlights. The danger but also just how unfair Sex work is in as an occupation.

[Fahad Qureshi]:

In that you as a sex worker, please I'm not, no pun intended. You can get really screwed over.

[Fahad Qureshi]:

Again, no fun intended, but that's the best word I can use. Yeah, you can't laugh at it.


Can I still laugh at it?







[Fahad Qureshi]:

But what I'm meaning is Alexandra, when she was with that guy who wanted the BBBJ, is that what it's called?


. PBJ.

[Fahad Qureshi]:

The triple BJ. You know, and he again, those unintended, stiffer on the payment.




Stop it. You are intended.


No, no doing this on purpose.





[Fahad Qureshi]:

I'm not doing it on purpose, but, But, you know, so.


Yes. Wait.


With us.



[Fahad Qureshi]:

She can't do much about it. Cause if she goes to the cops and says, this is what's going on.

[Fahad Qureshi]:

She'll get arrested. And she knows that, and he knows that she can't say what he's, you know, not giving her money for, so he comes out scott free with it all and doesn't get in trouble and doesn't have to pay because she has to make sure she doesn't also get in trouble for it.

[Fahad Qureshi]:

So, and you know, they get the worst of it all and they can't. Defend themselves because of the illegal illegality around it, but it's just sad because it's really, you can be so taken advantage of in that world.


I mean, he could have just.


Yes, and that Sorry, that brings us to a whole other ethical conversation should prostitution be legalized?


I know it is in like Las Vegas, am I right? Are there?

[Fahad Qureshi]:

Yeah, I think it is in Las Vegas.


We're in Nevada. I don't know if it's in. I don't think it.


Oh, Nevada rate because of the, the bunny ranch. Is that?

[Fahad Qureshi]:

How's about to say I think it's within the leak the like facilities right it's not like working on a street corner is legal.





[Fahad Qureshi]:

It's within regulated like like you said, the buddy ranch type places. To provide a, cause I think it's all about my perspective is it's all about safety.

[Fahad Qureshi]:

And it's like, you know, this is happening no matter what, just like with a lot of drugs, this is happening no matter what.

[Fahad Qureshi]:

What can we do as a society? To at least make things safe for everybody, whether that's safety for the person paying for it, cause you know, there's the rampant diseases and everything.



[Fahad Qureshi]:

If you're not supplying protection, but then there's the safety of the workers themselves like getting abused, getting, you know, they're not getting the payment after the act, you know, all this kind of stuff.

[Fahad Qureshi]:

So it's a very Tough conversation to have, but it really to me comes down to safety.



[Fahad Qureshi]:

Like if we and regulate it in some way, you know, cause otherwise it's still going to happen and people are worse off.






Especially because hopefully if it was if there was some sort of standardization and and regulation under that legality.


Then I would hope that fewer women would be doing it or men would be doing it because they have to, like getting in a bad situation and they don't want to be doing, I would hope that it would be something where they're like, you know, It's actually a good job to have, you know, you could make just as much as you could anywhere else.


Something you're comfortable with then you could do it and I don't know. I don't know if there's a way to fix that because that's the one issue people bring up when they're like, because that's the one issue people bring up when they're like, well, how could we make that legal?




Because then women are coerced into doing that as a job. Of course, they don't talk as much about men who do it too, but



[Fahad Qureshi]:

It's still, but.


But that's the part of it that always worries me the most is the people who really don't want to be doing it, is the people who really don't want to be doing it because it's almost like they're being raped every single time they and a trick because they don't They're not they don't enjoy sex work they don't want to be doing it they would rather be




doing anything else. Some people do enjoy sex work.

[Fahad Qureshi]:

But in a lot of ways, you can compare a lot of that world to pornography, and that's legal.


Yeah. That is weird because it's the same act but one just because one's on camera.

[Fahad Qureshi]:

You know, like, of the porn stars might not want to be performing, but.

[Fahad Qureshi]:

And they're being paid. And they're potentially being paid a lot more to do that act.


I can't.

[Fahad Qureshi]:

Then the prostitutes are and they're doing it in a safe environment. It's legal like, you know, so it makes you ask the question as to why is this okay and not that okay.

[Fahad Qureshi]:

You know, it's the questions around marijuana legalization, right? It's you know safety being able to regulate it being able to have control over it because if you're not people are still gonna do it and people rob to do it, people steal, people attack other people, you have like the dark black market.

[Fahad Qureshi]:

Kind of stuff because it's illegal. But if you make it legal and put the protections around it, you know, that's what they're starting to do.

[Fahad Qureshi]:

So it's very similar. From that perspective.



[Fahad Qureshi]:

And safety. It all comes again to safety. You can regulate then if you want to do it legally.

[Fahad Qureshi]:

Here's the things to follow here you have to have a safe place you have to have safety around it like you know protection available like required you know there's maybe security in the area like you know you have all that stuff and it makes it a safer situation for everybody.


Yeah, they call it the oldest profession and yet, somehow it's still not like.






Is, is not like anyone's ever gonna stop doing it. Yeah. So did anyone else?


I just wish that I think I just come it also come comes down to I think I think what you were saying Eric is like if you don't want to be doing it but that it feels like that's the only thing that you can do.


That's. Just damaging to me. It feels like you can't feel good about yourself if that's just


And if that's the case.


You would, I think that you would feel very used.

[Fahad Qureshi]:

Yeah. Especially the way it is today.




But I think you're right. I don't think it's gonna stop and I don't like the idea that you can't.


Called the police when you're, you know, because you're going to be charged or you're going to, you're worried about what will happen to you.

[Fahad Qureshi]:



So I think that you would be taken advantage of very easily. Like what are you gonna do? Call the police?

[Fahad Qureshi]:

You're the victim, but you're also Yeah. I mean, Alexandra, it was just $40, but for somebody else, they could have been beaten.


I think.


There's a release.

[Fahad Qureshi]:

Severely and you can't go to the cops and say why you're a beating because you'll be arrested and those that they'll find that person.




At the very least, there should be just an addition to the law that says that makes space for like a grace call where if you're actually being hurt or abused or something bad is going on, you can call and you won't be charged for prostitution.


Because the real problem here is this other crime that that impacts your safety. But that don't feel like you have to like.


Yeah Yeah.


Just deal with it on your own because



[Fahad Qureshi]:

They do that for they do that for drugs and illegal weapons. They have those, things where they have like, hey, come to this park.

[Fahad Qureshi]:

We have police there. You can drop off. Like you know dispose of drugs or illegal weapons or something no questions asked because it's a way to get it off of the streets, but you don't have that fear of being arrested.


I think they do something similar if you are like not documented. And you've witnessed a crime.


I think that they come out and make an announcement like if you have witnessed this crime we are not going to come after you.


For your immigration status. Like we just want the information about what happened to.


Something worse. Murder.


Yeah, yeah. Murder, yeah, kidnapping.


Yeah. I just to go back though, cause Plas brought it up twice, but the $40 for the BBBJ, yes.

[Fahad Qureshi]:

. Okay


To be honest with you, I kind of disagree with Alexandra. I was like, I think she's being, yes. To be honest with you, I kind of disagree with Alexandra.


I was like, I think she's being greedy all she's doing is holding this guy's balls and she's insisting on $40.


And then.


Okay. Oh.


From a business perspective was like I wouldn't charge a guy that much for holding his ball.


40, yeah.

[Fahad Qureshi]:

Okay. She's a good business woman.




Come on, girl. I guess so.



[Fahad Qureshi]:

He was willing to pay it if they're willing to pay it, charge it.


Well, he was willing to agree to pay it because he knew he wasn't gonna pay it probably.


He was always gonna walk away without

[Fahad Qureshi]:

But to her to his defense, she shouldn't have been talking when he kept on being quiet because he's trying to concentrate.





[Fahad Qureshi]:

He was making it. Pont intended she was making it harder even though she wasn't.




What is wrong with you?


Okay. Oh!






Goodness. Okay, does anyone have any? Follow up or any final thoughts?

[Fahad Qureshi]:

That's what she said.



[Fahad Qureshi]:

Any fun tons?




Oh, but you're on a roll.

[Fahad Qureshi]:



Take it till you make it.




Well, I will just wrap up to say. Based on another thing we've been talking about, which is that There's actually a lot of little things in it that are like very sweet and very special and very well done and and sophisticated that it's it's the most Subtle, unsuttle movie that I've ever seen.


Cause there's on the face of it, there's nothing subtle about this. It is in your face, but there it's got a lot of subtlety actually if you care to take a look.

[Fahad Qureshi]:

It would be interesting if it were made with like a big production budget in the Hollywood way of making movies.

[Fahad Qureshi]:

Yet the story is the exact same. I would be very interesting to see. Yeah, I'm curious like would it do better though with the masses?


I don't think I would like it as much.



[Fahad Qureshi]:

But what you find it as endearing because of the doesn't have that rawness aspect. Who knows?


You probably need them to write more jokes, I guess, for the Okay, well with that I think it's that time again for Papa BA BA BA BA BA BA BA We close each episode with the recast game where we each play casting director and choose a different actor from any era living or dead to portray a character in the film instead.

[Fahad Qureshi]:



First up is Ruth.


Okay, so I wanted to recast Chester and I just thought this would be. Probably someone who would do a good job, but off there I think it would be hilarious was I thought of M and M.

[Fahad Qureshi]:



And you know what? I bet he would agree to do it. I do. I think he would.


Oh wow.




I can see that. I can see it.

[Fahad Qureshi]:

I like that. I like that.




Okay, let's do


Alright, I said recast Alexandra with Kevin Hart. Let's see, very wild facial expressions and stuff like that.


Kevin hard.


And I think that it's kind of interesting that. Not even that, but he looks, as I resembled Alexandra even tonight in a movie. So that's true.




Very different character then because Alexandra was so composed I don't see Kevin Hart playing composed

[Fahad Qureshi]:

Again, the Hollywood polished version.


Unless he might put You may put a little more spicy to the into a role or something. So, but yeah, Yeah.




Yeah. With more jokes.



[Fahad Qureshi]:

But you know, Kevin Hart doesn't always have to be loud and in your face jokey.

[Fahad Qureshi]:

He could, you know, show us his acting chops and do something a little more subdued like Alexandra.


He's been doing some of that lately, I think. He had his own show on effects or something.


I forget what network. And some movie and I think it was he was playing a little more straight every comedian gets that point right where they're like okay I'm done with the comedy and the goopy face because I want to be serious.


With varying results. Okay, Pahad's next.

[Fahad Qureshi]:

Right. So. I have decided to recast. Rasmic.

[Fahad Qureshi]:

With an actor for 2 reasons. I'm going to tell you the first reason, but I want to see if everybody gets the second reason.

[Fahad Qureshi]:

I am recasting Rasmic with the actor Tony Shaloo.




Oh, I see that.

[Fahad Qureshi]:

Can anybody so they kind of have a similar look but can anybody guess the second reason?


We do have a workout.


I don't know who it is, hold on.




Because he was a monk, so it would be funny to see him paying for sex.

[Fahad Qureshi]:

No, cause he played a taxi driver in wings.


Oh yes, I, I was the first time I ever saw him. I love that show.


Oh, we go.

[Fahad Qureshi]:

In the Yeah, he was a taxi driver. So it's like, I saw a rats make in a taxi driving like, oh, that's only Shaloo.



[Fahad Qureshi]:

So. Yeah, that's my recast.


Oh yeah.


In the in the Kevin Hart. So giving Kevin Hart a blow job in a taxicab and a car wash is Tony Shaloo.

[Fahad Qureshi]:





I can picture it clear as day. I don't wanna see it again.

[Fahad Qureshi]:

Then the Hollywood polished version, they might just playing patty cake in the car wash or something or a quick round of poker.






Yeah. They're getting real bottom of the barrel now.



[Fahad Qureshi]:

No, no, no, no pun intended. No, that was not it.



[Fahad Qureshi]:

Okay, right.




Excuse me. Okay, Shelley.


Alrighty, so I recast Dina. I'm sorry, I have to look at her name.


And then has anyone watched Shameless?

[Fahad Qureshi]:

I know of it.


Anyhow, the actress in, I don't know her from anything else, but I immediately thought of her when I saw Dinah.


I know.


Her name is Laura Slade Wiggins. She played Karen on the first season of Shameless.

[Fahad Qureshi]:



But should be.


Since we don't know this has changed the character at all or?


Change the character.

[Fahad Qureshi]:

Oh, I can kinda see it.


No, but I think she would do a better job. Yeah.


I looked her up.


Okay, fair enough. Okay, so, I'm the last one. I had a very hard time thinking recast for this one because honestly I didn't want to change anybody because because of the realism of all of them, I was like, It would feel really weird to put an actor actor in there.


For me, even in the case of some of the actor actors who are in there. So I said it said to go weird with it And so you know Resmix wife with the fun crazy hair.


Yeah, yeah.


She reminded me a lot of someone who does do acting sometimes. So I thought I'm gonna recast.


Yeva, her name with this person and it's Taylor Dane.


Who's Taylor?

[Fahad Qureshi]:

The like the tell it to your heart person?


Yeah, come on guys. You don't remember.


I don't know her. I have to look her up.

[Fahad Qureshi]:

I don't remember what she looks like, but at least I got the song.


I'd like like 7 top 10 in a row.


We'll take a pause here that I'll kind of look up Taylor.

[Fahad Qureshi]:

Oh, that's what she looks like. I need to look at what she looks like from the Yeah, I need a little, 80.


I'm looking her up. I don't recognize her. Like.


Look up. Look up the cover.


Recognize her either.

[Fahad Qureshi]:

I see the hair in the eighties. I mean, most of the pictures are what she looks like now.


Oh, I see the big.



[Fahad Qureshi]:

I typed in at Taylor Day eighties.


Oh, okay. When I see you in the eighties, yeah, I see that. I see that.


Yeah. So that'll be, she has done some acting, she's pretty good. I don't know if you guys ever saw that movie.


The crazy




Oh, which one was it? There are 2 movies. About a bachelor party that invites strippers over but accidentally kills one and she's in one of them but I can't remember one of those called very bad things.




But I think she's in the other one and I can't remember the name. Anyway, she's the sister.


Of the stripper who is murdered. So it's an it's pretty good in it. As you know, she can do it.




She can pull it off. So that would be mine. And since we're on the subject, I totally forgot to, to mention it earlier, but we talked about how James Ransom is in this and he's been in He's in a lot of horror actually.


There was another horror icon in this movie that you probably didn't pick out. And I didn't recognize him until I looked it up afterwards either.


Clue Glager was in this movie. And I know you don't know that name, but Takia Fahad and I, we watched Return of the Living Dead, right?

[Fahad Qureshi]:



He's the man. In the beginning with the younger guy who who actually like released the zombie plague in the first place?

[Fahad Qureshi]:

Right. Oh.


That's you. Oh, sorry. I didn't tell you who. He's the guy in the back of the Rasmix cab who the he's called the Cherokee.

[Fahad Qureshi]:

All that.


He talks about being cheered. That's good. Yeah.


Oh, yeah. I thought he was gonna die in his back.



[Fahad Qureshi]:

He kept on like slugging over more.




What's going on then? What was going on with him anyway? Was he having a heart attack?


Yeah, I thought he was just gonna just.


What was the weather there?


I don't know, just very old of me, cause, cause that.


I'm gonna use drunk or something.

[Fahad Qureshi]:

Hey, very old and familiar with him. He was just talking.


Oh, he told the story of, being named. I have a female name, but. Yeah.


Because actually


Yeah. The, okay, the sad thing is.

[Fahad Qureshi]:

Yeah. Yeah.


What did they say? It's a good thing she didn't see. What did he, he said something.


The shit house. Because my son should house. anyway, not to make you feel bad Shelley, but he did actually the actor did die last year sadly I remember when it happened too because I was like oh I know and he, but he was like, 96 or something.








Hello. Yeah.


He was very, So he was very old in this. Yeah, so okay, thank you all for this wonderful recast.


Oh wow. So we, yeah.

[Fahad Qureshi]:

Okay, so he lived a long life.






And for being a little kind of this movie than I thought you would be. Sorry, to get something to say.




Yeah, we know I mentioned about the lady with the dead animal. Would you guys think, would you guys think that was going before she's, what she said initially, did you know right away that her aunt that she was waving her animal?


Or was like, is she crazy? Like, would you guys say with that part?


I don't remember.


I don't remember that part for some reason.


Oh really? It was what first people in the Resmix cab. She came out the, she came out of the animal clinic.


I don't remember that party.


Oh, that was so. I totally forgot about that.

[Fahad Qureshi]:

Oh, that was so sad. She came out of Shelley and Ruth out of the veterinarians office and he's like, oh, is it a cat?


Oh yeah, yeah, yeah.


Oh yeah.

[Fahad Qureshi]:

What a cat or a dog? It's like, dog. You're like, oh, he wants his name and he's like, oh, it's a well behaved, it's quiet.

[Fahad Qureshi]:

And she's like, it's empty. Oh no.




Because I think It's so weird. Such a weird thing because you basically know from as soon as she gets in the cab what has happened but he keeps asking her questions you're like do not asking


Oh, God. That's terrible.



[Fahad Qureshi]:

I didn't know. Well, I didn't know that was what's happened. I thought the pet is in there.




Oh. She was looking real sad the whole time. I was like, oh my gosh. Oh, and I just remembered something else I forgot.

[Fahad Qureshi]:

Until she and I was like all.


Yeah, I do too.



[Fahad Qureshi]:

They didn't mean to do that team.


Just remember something else I forgot to mention. So I read an article today. That there's a chain of restaurants called hamburger marries and it's all like drag theme.


And they are actually the ones who sued. Florida for the Dragon. Down there and got a stop on it and it's now going through the courts and it's probably going to get rejected on First Amendment terms.


And hamburger, when she keeps handing out the flyers in this movie. She says it's 7 PM.


At Mary's come to my show. It's hamburger Mary she's talking about and so they're when they're outside and she's talking with the bouncer that's hamburger Mary's in West Hollywood which for some reason Fahad we didn't go to when we were in LA.


I don't know why. But inside it's not, but I just thought that was very interesting.


They, they have locations all over the country. Actually, there's like, but only like 10 of them but in major cities.

[Fahad Qureshi]:

For the


Yeah, I know.


So it's a well known place.


Okay, so I think we can now rate the movie.




And so you all know the drill. Open up your chat, please. Pahad's gonna do his, his deal, whenever you have your rating written in the chat, just put your thumb up and when for hot's ready he's going to count us down.


And, for how would you like to tell us how that countdown works?

[Fahad Qureshi]:

I would. Just give me one moment.







[Fahad Qureshi]:

Okay, so I'm gonna count down from 3 to 0 and on the O part of 0 everybody hit enter so I see everybody's thumbs except to Kia.


I like it better when you say row the road part.

[Fahad Qureshi]:

Oh, that's what I meant. What did I say? On the row is when you'll do it.


The O.

[Fahad Qureshi]:

Thank you Shelly. I forgot my spiel. Let me type mine.



[Fahad Qureshi]:

Yeah, okay. Okay, 3. 2, 1, 0.


Well, okay. Okay, you know, I don't think it's as bad. That's good, that's good.

[Fahad Qureshi]:

That's not bad at all.


It's not bad.

[Fahad Qureshi]:

Okay, Shelley, do your thing.




Alright, so Ruth gave it a 2.5. I gave it a 2.7 5. Eric gave it a 3.5.


Gave it a 3.2 5 and Takia gave it a 3.5.

[Fahad Qureshi]:

Oh, nice.


So this is a a well rated movie.

[Fahad Qureshi]:

Yeah, I think it's good that everybody got over that hump and continued watching it. Eric, it's a 3.1 average.




Hey, that's that's good. That's respectable.


That is pretty good.

[Fahad Qureshi]:

That's above average. I mean, you know.


I think so, you know.


That's okay good. I thought this was gonna drag me down.


And we weren't but like a point. There was only like a.


Sorry I'm looking a point. Yeah, a point difference. Between the lowest and the highest.

[Fahad Qureshi]:



Hey, awesome. Well, now that you know what our ratings are, Fahad, do you wanna tell everyone what it's actual like critical acclaim is.

[Fahad Qureshi]:


[Fahad Qureshi]:

Yeah, give me 1 s. Tromio and Juliet's rating, Eric, was 2.0 5.


Okay, yeah.

[Fahad Qureshi]:

So just to put that because I know you were worried in comparison to that. So this was a whole point.



[Fahad Qureshi]:

Average above, Romeo and Juliet. So. You broke your curse.





[Fahad Qureshi]:

Which was risky with this movie.


It was very.





[Fahad Qureshi]:

But good on you. So yeah, so here's something interesting for everybody to know. Tangerines rotten tomato scores.

[Fahad Qureshi]:

For audience was 76% which is respectable for an audience score. Critics score, 96%.




Oh wow!

[Fahad Qureshi]:

Yeah. So definitely I know I when I think I told the story when Eric mentioned we were going to watch this that I mentioned I had tried watching it like a year or 2 ago and I couldn't continue the movie because I was only watching the first 5 or 10 min and in that sense in that time I didn't have to watch it here out of respect for what we're doing.



[Fahad Qureshi]:

Of course I'm going to watch the whole thing. But after the first 5 or 10 min, I was like, I can't do this.



[Fahad Qureshi]:

I can't watch this. But then I saw the critics rating and I was like, there's gotta be something more to this movie that I was not seeing.

[Fahad Qureshi]:

So I'm glad Eric you brought it up for us to watch and I gave it another shot.


Welcome. It is a movie that you kind of have to adjust to because it's not like anything else you're used to.




Our brains get on like a narrative and stuff and so we're like we're used to what a movie should feel like so you kind of have to like just give it a If you give it 20 min, what did we, it wasn't that our like rule at some point?


Give something 20 min and then see like how you feel


Yeah, yeah.


Forgot about that. Okay, well. It's now time for our next foie to tell us.


What his movie is going to be. To relate to his first. Season one, first movie in season 2 first movie.

[Fahad Qureshi]:

Yep. So as you all know, my first movie was Ingrid Goes West. My second movie was Mrs. Harris Goes to Paris.


Not intentionally, right? Not intentionally, right? Okay.

[Fahad Qureshi]:

Like what? Not intentionally, no. I thought a lot about, well, what are the common themes between those 2 movies?

[Fahad Qureshi]:

And it hit me. They both have a female lead. So I decided to do a movie with a female.

[Fahad Qureshi]:

I'm just joking. Yeah. Very obviously this movie is about somebody going somewhere. You know, you're Goes West to Paris.


I'm gonna slap you.







[Fahad Qureshi]:

So who goes where and I already told you guys I'm not gonna make you do Jason goes to hell or Ernest goes to jail to camp to wherever I know you would have loved it.


Absolutely do Ernest Goes.

[Fahad Qureshi]:

But instead I decided to go way back into the past and do a very old movie that I think is A critical darling for people that I've never seen.

[Fahad Qureshi]:

I've heard a lot about, and I, I, I don't, I don't think this is our eldest movie.

[Fahad Qureshi]:

What was the other movie that I had us all watch? That was really old. What was that from?


It's in Kane. Yeah.


Just contain.


He was 1947.

[Fahad Qureshi]:

The 19 what?

[Fahad Qureshi]:

Oh, wasn't? Oh, 1941. Okay, so now this will be our oldest movie then.



[Fahad Qureshi]:

I've decided. We are going to watch Mr. Smith Goes to Washington. Kelly, it's the movie that makes you be steward.


Yeah. Yes, I was hoping you were gonna say that.


Are you excited?

[Fahad Qureshi]:



I heard of it.


When was this? When?

[Fahad Qureshi]:



Oh my word, is that our oldest movie?



[Fahad Qureshi]:

It it will be our oldest movie previously it was Citizen Kane so by I forgot what I said the game was, but my Yeah.


1941 or something.

[Fahad Qureshi]:

So yeah, so we are going to go to Washington with Mr. Smith. So in terms of where you can watch it, it's not on streaming for free.


Do you?

[Fahad Qureshi]:

But it is available on Amazon, Google, Apple, whatever to rent. Question for Shelley, Ruth and Takia.



[Fahad Qureshi]:

How did you all watch Tangerine? Did you guys do it through Pluto for free?


No, I watch it through Amazon. I kind of I forgot about that

[Fahad Qureshi]:

Did you pay for it, Ruth? Okay, Shelley, did you pay for it? All 3 of you paid for it.


He did.


Hi. I did.



[Fahad Qureshi]:

Okay, never mind then. So I'll then move you all some money to watch this one.


No, you guys don't have to do that. I don't mind paying 2 9. Like it's I pay for for it just for convenience it's like oh I can just watch it on prime.

[Fahad Qureshi]:

I'll treat you all to a crumble. Okay.



[Fahad Qureshi]:

Yeah, I will say what I watched Tangerine using plex and the commercials were annoying as can be.


Hello, buddy.


They were.

[Fahad Qureshi]:

They were and there wasn't like 60 s or 1 min somewhere like 2 and a half minutes and for some of them they played the same commercial over and over.


It's like that teacher movie that we watched last week. The commercials on that were so jarring.

[Fahad Qureshi]:

Yeah, at least I can tell the difference. Well, here at least I could tell the difference between it being a commercial or tangerine.









[Fahad Qureshi]:

That time. The teacher I was like, wait, there's a lot of baseball saving.


What's happening?

[Fahad Qureshi]:

Okay, so hopefully everybody will get to watch that. And as a reminder. You have 2 weeks to watch it since we're Okay.


Oh yeah, yeah, cause of Thanksgiving, right?


Hi, I have a bad news about that. So I changed my availability, but then Apparently they scheduled me for some Thursday nights and so.



[Fahad Qureshi]:

So the week of the 20 seventh, what is your availability?


Pull this up.

[Fahad Qureshi]:

And for all your listeners out there, don't worry, you will not hear any of this because Eric is going to fall out.




Oh good. I don't want them to know what I'm doing.

[Fahad Qureshi]:

Yeah, they'll know when exactly to find you at. The place you were, which we will not name.




Okay, so. Okay.


It's not gonna work.


By the way, guys, I love it when it's like always somebody besides me, which is surprising to me, who asks us to watch a black and white movie.


Actually, it's been for hard both times, right?

[Fahad Qureshi]:

Yeah, it's been made both times and


Was it rear window black and white?


No, we

[Fahad Qureshi]:





Rope was black and white. And that was Shelley. Okay, yeah, I really appreciate that because you would think it would be me choosing that but but it's not.



[Fahad Qureshi]:

And you would think it would not be me choosing it.


Family, we got it as ever the Fahad would do.


Oh. I kinda like black and white movies.


I do too. I really I love dialogue at the time and And, yeah. I choose to subject you guys to other things that you like less.

[Fahad Qureshi]:

I paid good money for my TV to have good quality color images. And it's wasted in black and light.




Huh. First time you watched the 19, you were like, what's wrong with the? What?


I like it.

[Fahad Qureshi]:



I like to watch the older movies too to see like. How they treat women or like get like what they say about them.



[Fahad Qureshi]:

Oh yeah, there's a lot of interesting stuff.


Thanks. Yeah.


On that, I fucking hate kissing in in movies from that era. The man is always like breaking the woman's neck.


Yeah, yeah. And then it's just. Like they don't move.

[Fahad Qureshi]:



But that cannot be enjoyable.

[Fahad Qureshi]:



Yeah. Oh no. Okay, so that week I'm off Monday and Wednesday. It's hard to mention the other days because they just have me working in the evenings.


Oh why they do that.

[Fahad Qureshi]:


[Fahad Qureshi]:

So then what about Wednesday night? The 20. The 20 ninth.


Good. Would you be okay with that?


What's that date? I think that works.

[Fahad Qureshi]:

I can do it to Kia.


Yeah, do that. Yeah.

[Fahad Qureshi]:

You're good. So with Wednesday the 20 ninth.


Yes. Yes, yes. And then it should be. Back to normal, a little bit.




Okay. If we


If we had to switch it to Monday, would anyone have a problem with that?




I don't think so.




I can make.

[Fahad Qureshi]:

Oh, Monday the 20 seventh.


Yeah. If we had to.




Hmm. I was good. I was beginning back. It's a sunny night, so I don't know.


Well, you have much longer to watch the movie. Yeah. Just because I did a thing I joined I joined a D and D group.




Okay, well.

[Fahad Qureshi]:

Yeah, you have a week and a half.


Oh, really? Oh!


And, and we're, we're gonna meet every 2 weeks. And so we have to decide.






Our first meeting our first official meeting to start the game will be that week and I don't know what day is gonna be good for everybody.


There's like 6 of us. So I'll try to tell them like, well, I have something.


Wednesday so maybe they'll be cool with Thursday or something but Just in case.

[Fahad Qureshi]:

Oh, so we will aim for Wednesday the 20 ninth but the 20 seventh. Is open in case we have to push it earlier.



[Fahad Qureshi]:

But you'll let us know so we have enough time to watch it before the 20 seventh in case.


Yeah. Yeah, that works.



[Fahad Qureshi]:

You watch it earlier than planned.


Sure, yeah, definitely. Okay, so I'll find out next week exactly what day we're going to meet.

[Fahad Qureshi]:

That works for me.


Are you gonna be dressing up? Like will style.


Well, the guy who's the dungeon master has already told me he's not going to dress that but I told him I love a theme so I'm probably going to be buying some stuff and Although if we do it at work, I don't know.








Like in a conference I mean people probably wouldn't be in the building but

[Fahad Qureshi]:

Also, will you stay after work to like? Oh wow.


Yeah, so we'll either do it in a conference room in our building or we'll walk to a bar nearby.


Because people, I love, I love that already. They're like drinking is a necessary part of this. It's like, thank you.


Thank you. Happy hour, I'm currently designing my character. I'm pretty excited about him.





[Fahad Qureshi]:

That's funny.


Oh, that's cool.




Yeah, okay. So just wanted to warn you guys, my schedule might get weird too.




That's cool.


Okay, so. Thank you for having a very for hot.


Don't forget to declare something.




Yeah, I'm trying to wrap it up, but I said his name. Thank you. Thank you, for for our next movie.


Oh, sorry.

[Fahad Qureshi]:

But you forgot my name.


I'm very excited about it and perfectly on theme wonderful. So. Now I declare this episode of all folkies and films concluded.


Thanks for joining us. You can find us on Facebook and find our list on Letterbox, our lists.


Because now we're starting season 3. So don't forget to leave a comment or review everybody say "BRB BBBJ".

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About the Podcast

Old Fogies & Films
Distilling wisdom from the arts through diversity.
A kooky group of Gen Xers in their 40s discuss films. We're black, white, and Pakistani; gay and straight; men and women; Christian, Muslim, agnostic; with diverse professional and educational backgrounds and varied family and socioeconomic statuses.